KATHERINE PETTIT Correspondence 1920

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 04: ADMINISTRATION – Directors
Katherine Pettit Correspondence
January-December 1920

KATHERINE PETTIT Correspondence 1920

1920 Graduating Class. Source: publicity brochure titled “Pine Mountain Settlement School, Inc., page 6. [defaul5.jpg]

TAGS: Katherine Pettit, Ethel de Long Zande, Angela Melville, Fred Creech, Mr. Watkins, road-building, Henry Creech, Mr. Nolan, fundraising, extension work, Mr. and Mrs. Dorsay, Miss Sheltman, Miss Lawson, Rhoda Melinda, Minnie Bullock, Miss Robbins, Miss [Emily] Storer, Harriet Butler, convict labor, Annette Pettit, Line Fork, Walter Combs, furniture-makers, Mr. Leon Deschamps, surveys, mailing lists, Marguerite Butler, Josiah H. Cooke, Dr. Waller Bullock, Big Laurel, Peter Pan at May Day, Audrey Gratz, Nashville Agricultural Normal Institute, May Ritchie, Miss Parsons’ case, Celia Cathcart Holton


CONTENTS: Images 001-115

January 1920

January 8, 1920. [unsigned] to Miss Pettit. Miss Garfield, Misses Wright; Angela Melville trip; Fred Creech. [001]
January 10, 1920. [unsigned] EZ to “Kate” Pettit, Lexington, KY. Met with Mr. Watkins, engineer, about building the road. [002-003]
January 12, 1920. [unsigned] EZ to “Kate” Pettit, Lexington, KY. More about Mr. Watkins and road-building; Miss Wright; Henry Creech; workers’ meeting. [004-005]
January 13, 1920. [unsigned] to Miss Pettit, Lexington, KY. Various updates; Mrs. Zande carried over mountain. [006-007]
January 13, 1920. Secretary to Mr. Nolan. Tracking “pokes” sent to Miss Pettit. [008]
January 12, 1920. [unsigned] EZ to “Kate” Pettit, Lexington, KY. Support for Mr. Watkins, road engineer. [009]
January 15, 1920. [unsigned] to Miss Pettit. Various updates; Miss Wright; mail inspectors. [010-011]
January 20, 1920. [unsigned] to “Kate” Pettit, Lexington, KY. Rehiring Angela [Melville]; fundraising; hiring for extensions work; Alice Butler; workers. [012-014]
January 21 [no year]. Katherine Pettit to “Ethel” [handwritten]. Plans for
Angela [Melville]’s fundraising; managing workers. [015-022]
January 24 [no year]. Katherine Pettit to “Ethel” [handwritten]. Her response to Mr. Dorsay’s request to leave the dairy & poultry dept. [023-028]
January 24, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Mr. W.F. Cushing, The Moore Pen Co.,
Boston, MA. Thanks for mending fountain pen. [029]
January 24, 1920. [unsigned] to Miss Pettit. Miss Sheltman; Elhannon; Miss
Barber; workers’ book; post office inspection; other updates. [030-031]
January 27, 1920. [unsigned] EZ to Miss Pettit, Lexington, KY. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsay’s leaving; hiring and managing housemothers. [032-035]
January 30, 1920. [missing second page] to Miss Pettit. Mining Camp survey; mail inspectors; Josephine Cathcart arriving in fall; Clarence & Elsie Smith left. … [036]
January 31, 1920. [unsigned] to “Kate” Pettit. Replacing Mr. Dorsay. [037]

February 1920

February 3, 1920. [unsigned] to Miss Pettit, Lexington, KY. Describes various correspondence activities; Miss Lawson. [038-040]
February 6, 1920. [unsigned] to Miss Pettit. Details of Rhoda Melinda’s knee injury. [041-042]
February 9 [no year] K. Pettit in Lexington, KY, to “Ethel”. [handwritten]
Miss Melville arrival date; Minnie Bullock; fundraising contacts. [043-046]
February 10 [no year] Katherine Pettit, Lexington, KY, to “Ethel”.
[handwritten]. Agreement with Miss Melville; Mt. Conference. [047-048]
February 10, 1920. [unsigned] to Miss Pettit. Josephine Cathcart to arrive as replacement; Miss Sheltman & Miss Robbins can help with your mail. [049]
February 14, 1920. [unsigned] to Miss Pettit. Fencing; calendars; Mrs. Zande returns today; Boy Scouts; Miss Storer; Harriet Butler; Miss Lawson. [050-051]
February 16, 1920. Secretary to Mrs. W. O. Bullock, Lexington, KY. Rhoda Melinda’s injury and transporting her home; Dr. Huse; leaving PM next Monday. [052]
February 20, 1920. [unsigned] to Mrs. W. O. Bullock, Lexington, KY. Miss Pettit wrote that Rhoda Melinda should stay at P.M. [053]
February 21, 1920. [unsigned] to “Kate” Pettit. Mr. Dorsay; Angela [Melville]; Miss Butler’s illness; need children’s home at P.M.; using convict work on the road. [054-055]

April 1920

April 16, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Miss Annette” (Mrs. William Pettit). Thanks for bundles and material; Margaret Butler; sewing classes; Martha May Norton. [056]
April 19, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Mrs. W.O. Bullock, Lexington, KY. Thanks for hats; sewing society for aprons; Miss Melville; Miss Butler; Line Fork. [057]
April 19, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Miss Harriet Butler, St. Louis, MO. Sorry you are in hospital; Louisiana cruise; Nan Cobbs’ book; Miss Furman’ stories. [058-059]
April 22, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Melissa” (Mrs. Chester Comb), Kodak,
KY. Walter Combs is furniture-maker; May Ritchie married Mr. Deschamps. [060]
April 21, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Miss (Angela) Melville, Louisville, KY. Uncle Charlie Blair; Line Fork settlement house. [061]
April 24, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Mr. C.N. Buck, New York, NY. Mrs. Campbell and Mr. Sharp’s ballad book; survey of Harlan county; extension plans. [062-063]
April 28, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Mr. Lyman Ward, The Southern Industrial
Institute, Camp Hill, AL. Sends dollar for the barn. [064]
April 29, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Mrs. Harvey Turner: invites her to visit. [065]
April 29, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Cousin Minnie” (Mrs. B.F. Atchison), Louisville KY. Plans for new extension settlement houses; thanks for Tourist Club gift. [066]
April 29, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Miss Edna Fawcett. Louisiana visit; graduation events; Girl Scout rally; Miss Butler’s work; extension plans; Miss Melville’s fundraising; barn; Mr. and Mrs. Dorsay; invites her to teach at P.M. [067-068]
April 29, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Miss Gamaux, Lockport, LA. Added to mailing list. [069]
April 29, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Min” (Mrs. W.O. Bullock), Lexington, KY. Need for nightgowns; graduation & May Day events; Marguerite Butler’s work; extension plans; Miss Melville’s fundraising. [070-071]
April 30, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Harriet White (Mrs. Edward Gould) Staten Island, NY. Cash gift; Miss Melville; mailing list names; Marguerite Butler’s work. [072-073]
April 30, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Lillian” (Mrs. Higgin Lewis), Lexington, KY. Looking for summer job for Berea girl, Viola Boggs. [074]

May 1920

May 5, 1920. [unsigned] Katherine Pettit, Lexington, KY, to “Miriam”. New Orleans visit; Marguerite Butler’s Line extension work & plans; Miss Melville’s fundraising. [075-076]
May 6, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Joseph” (Josiah H. Cooke), Prague, Czecho-Slovakia. Cecil Sharpe; cruise; Cary Johnstone; Boy’s House; Line Fork; graduation. [077-078]
May 12, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Dr. Huse, Big Laurel (KY) Medical Settlement. Asks for return of Canon Bartlett books. [079]
May 14, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Lillian” (Mrs. Higgins Lewis), Lexington, KY. Thanks “ladies” for the material; Lilliath Robbins; meeting with Line Fork community. [080]
May 20, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Miss Elizabeth Elkin, Hindman, KY. Asks about Battle Creek. [081]
May 20, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Mrs. J. R. Horton, Lexington, KY. Thanks for Mary Painter’s letter and pictures; endowment fund. [082]
May 20, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Cassie B. Smith, Bath, KY. Interested in buying Cassie’s fiddle. [083]
May 20, 1920. [unsigned] KP to ‘Henderson” (Mrs. Attila Norman), Seattle, WA. Annual subscription; Line Fork and Big Laurel; Mr. Roettinger; Peter Pan at May Day [084-085]
June 8, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Miss Martha VanMeter, Ashland Ave., Lexington, Ky,,asking for assistance in securing some grey shambry cloth so Pettit can stabilize her paper maps.  [085-2]

June-July 1920

June 11, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Isabella” (Mrs. Graham Edgar), Charlottesville, VA. Cousin Sarah; cruise; writing about mountain people; extension work. [086-087]
June 23, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Cousin Minnie” (B.T. Atchison), Louisville, KY. Thanks for clothing; Harold Pettit; Jane Simmons; Martha Van Meter; the road; Boone Callahan; James Madison; extension work; Miss Gaines. [088-089]
June 30, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Carey” (Mrs. Hanson Thomas), Pittsburgh, PA. James Madison; McCoy; new settlement; forestry work; Mr. Deschamps. [090-091]
June 30, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Audrey” (Mrs. Clifford Gratz), Flushing, NY. KP’s love for P.M.; cruise; extension work; the Company’s gift of land; book purchases. [092-093]
July 15, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Mrs. Scroggin, New Orleans, LA. Lonesome Tunes; extension work; Miss Butler. [094-095]
July 31, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Nannie” (Mrs. Nannie Fitzhugh Maclean), Knoxville, TN. Community help with new extension. [096-097]

August-September 1920

August 19, 1920. Freight Receipt from Food Department, Madison, TN, Nashville Agricultural Normal Institute, Madison Rural Sanitarium. [098-099]
August 24, 1920. [unsigned] KP to Josiah N. Combs, Prague, Czecho-Slovakia. Invites him back to P.M.; Mr. Deschamps; May Ritchie; mountain songs. [100]
September 6, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Lillian” (Mrs. Higgins Lewis), Lexington, KY. Expecting Miss Dennis, Line Fork teacher, and Miss Palmer, Red Cross nurse. [102]
September 22, 1920. Katherine Pettit to Mrs. J. R. Morton, Harbor Springs, MI. Newspaper reports about Miss Parsons; lawyers; Celia Holton. [103-104]

October-November 1920

October 26, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Gentlemen”, Nashville Agricultural Normal Inst., Food Dept, Madison, TN. Response to their billing. [105]
November 6, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Waller” (Dr. Waller Bullock), Lexington, KY. Mr. Deschamps; Bullock’s offer of Scout knives; prizes to students; Will Browning. [106]
November 9, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Lillian” (Mrs. Higgins Lewis), Lexington, KY. Thanks for dresses, food; clothing needs; Mary Winifred; William Browning. [107-108]
November 10, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Min” (Mrs. W.O. Bullock), Lexington, KY. Need money for Parsons case; Mr. Breckinridge’s editorials; Mrs. Zande’s work. [109-110]
November 16, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Gentlemen”, Egalite-Wilson Fruit Co, Lexington, KY. Waiting for grapefruit delivery before paying bill. [111]
November 16, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Min” (Mrs. W.O. Bullock), Lexington, KY. Thanks for items; met with reporters; Mrs. Zande and Mr. Manee in Harlan. [112]

December 1920

December 3, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Min” (Mrs. W.O. Bullock), Lexington, KY. Thanks for raising money for Herald Fund; pianola. [113]
December 8, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Min” (Mrs. W.O. Bullock), Lexington, KY. Thanks for gifts; Miss Florence Simpson; Miss Sallie Leigh Young to knit stockings. [114]
December 10, 1920. [unsigned] KP to “Min” (Mrs. W.O. Bullock), Lexington, KY. Quote from Herald about perpetrator of crime; Christmas tree tradition at PMSS. [115]

GALLERY: Katherine Pettit Correspondence 1920

See Also:
KATHERINE PETTIT Director – Biography
KATHERINE PETTIT – “Weaving at PMSS – Beginnings”
KATHERINE PETTIT WRITING Commonplace Book Fragments (Copy)

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KATHERINE PETTIT Correspondence Guide,1911-1936