WELLS Record 03 PMSS 1918-1919

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 04: HISTORIES
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY – Staff
Wells Record 03

WELLS Record 03 PMSS 1918-1919

Joe Bramlett Album . The PMSS Office. [bram_-14.jpg]

WELLS Record 03 PMSS 1918-1919
By Evelyn K. Wells

TAGS: Wells record 03, 1918-1919, built environment, buildings, Mary Sinclair Burkham Memorial School House I, fires,  Medical Settlement Big Laurel, children, students, statistics, donations, Model Home, Practice House, Country Cottage, S.I.E.A, influenza, Spanish Flu

WELLS RECORD 03 1918-1919 [Page 9] is part of a series of annual records of construction, staff, student occupancy, gifts, and events of the year. Note that some names and details have been expanded or alphabetized for clarity.


Farm House. enlarged, $3,353
Office , built, cost $4,014
New Mary Sinclair Burkham Memorial Schoolhouse II, begun 1919, Original destroyed January 24, 1919.
Medical Settlement, Big Laurel built, cost $6,467


* New workers
**Two marriages in 1918: Celia Cathcart [Holton] and Ethel de Long [Zande]

*Miss Alice Andrews, Housemother
*Miss ? Bobbins [Summer worker?]
*Mrs. Helen Briscoe
*Miss Harriet Butler, 1918-23 Big Laurel Nurse
Miss Marguerite Butler
*Mrs. ? Croft [or, Craft ?], Summer worker
*Miss ? Croft [or, Craft?], [Summer worker ?]
Mr. Leon Deschamps
*Mrs. Helen Durgin
*Miss Helen Fagg
*Mrs. E.B. Fagg
*Miss Fawcett, 1917-19 Teacher, Farm, Housemother
*Mr. Duncan Foster, 1918 Teacher
Miss Ruth Gaines
*Mrs. Wayne Hanson
**Mrs Celia Cathcart Holton
*Miss Frances Horwitz
Dr. Grace Huse, 1918-23, Doctor
*Miss Ethel Irwin, 1918 Summer worker
*Mrs. ? Lansing
*Miss Gertrude Lansing, 1918-19 Farm
*Miss Frances Lavender, 1918-19 Nurse
Miss Angela Melville
*Miss Virginia Helm Milner, 1918 Summer worker
*Miss Julia Minshall, 1918 Housemother
*Miss Marguerite Parkinson, Teacher and Housemother
*Mrs. Jeanette Peabody, 1919, 1924 Summer, Housemother
*Miss Carol Peabody.1919 Summer worker
*Miss Margaret Peabody, 1919 Summer worker
*Miss Margery Peck, 1918-19 Office
Katherine Pettit
Miss Lilliath Robbins, 1917-19, Teacher and Housemother
*Mrs. Clark Rogers, 1918 Summer worker
*Miss Esther Sandstrom, 1919-20 Nurse
*Miss Edith Scott, 1918-19 Office bookkeeper
Miss Joy Secor
*Miss Mary Winifred Settle, Teacher
*Miss Leah Schubert
Miss Wilmer Stone
Miss Evelyn K. Wells
*Mrs. Laura Whitmore
**Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande
Mr. Luigi Zande


Capacity,  74


$1,000 for Model Home [Practice House, Country Cottage] by S.I.E.A. of New York, as tribute to Mrs. Algernon Sullivan.

Money for Boys House by J.S. Duncan of Chicago.

Money for Medical Settlement by Mrs. Mary Emery of Cincinnati.


Lilliath Robbins‘ summer on Little Laurel

1918 – 1st issue of Notes from Pine Mountain Settlement School. This was the idea of author Mr. W.A. Bradley and through the generosity of his friend, Mr. (Hal) Marchbanks of The Marchbanks Press in New York, a fine type of printing was possible.

[1918 -1919] Influenza Epidemic in surrounding country.

County school supervision begun.

January 24, Mary Sinclair Burkham Memorial School House I burned. Lost Miss Edith Scott, Almon Huff, Burchel Harris, Landis Hall, Elbert Walker.

March 18, 1919, Alberto Zande born in Louisville.

Mary Sinclair Burkham Memorial School House I dedicated October 1916 – destroyed January 24, 1919.

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WELLS RECORD Pine Mountain School GUIDE 1913-1928