Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 27: Scrapbooks, Albums, Gathered Notes
TAGS: Maya Sudo Photograph Album – Part I; Maya Sudo; Ren Norita Ogasawara; nurses; Infirmary; Big Laurel; classes; children; Kodagraph albums; Office; Reservoir; horseback riders; Cabin at Line Fork; community; moonshiners; Uncle John; post offices; sword dancers; Boy’s House; Fourth of July; Dr. [Abby Little; Boy’s Industrial; Harriet Butler; spinning wheels; dental hygiene; Old Log; Laurel House I; Burkham School House II; Leon Deschamps; Laden Trail; Jack’s Gap; Chicken Houses; Far House i; Callahan children; Pole House; Isaac’s Creek; swimming pool;

Maya Sudo Album: Maya standing and facing camera in striped skirt. [sudo_album_009a.jpg]
Maya left the School to work in Philadelphia at Jefferson Hospital, but never realized that career. At the age of xxx she had a gallbladder operation that resulted in complications and she died shortly after the surgery. This event brought the promising life of Maya to a halt, but it is clear that the years depicted in this album were happy and productive.
Her short life, a full and happy one, is clearly seen in the photographs of Maya on horseback, with her class of young children, with co-workers and her encounters with the surrounding mountains. Her lively smile and love of dance, friends, and adventure are evident throughout the album. Many of the photographs from Pine Mountain were taken by her sister Ren when she came to visit with Maya in 1923. She was most likely using an early Kodak camera and the photographs were carefully placed in a “Kodagraph” album. The images are often unique and are not replicated in the photographs that circulated among the workers and administration at the School. Often, other photographs are found in duplicate in the PMSS collections and in many of the albums created by workers at Pine Mountain.
Pine Mountain Settlement School is grateful to Frances Ogasawara, the niece of Maya Sudo who located this family album and shared it so it might be scanned for researchers. The original album was returned to the family.
The School is indeed fortunate that so many workers and visitors to Pine Mountain had access to cameras and had interest in recording what they discovered. As Mary Rogers reminded us many years ago, so often we learn from what the photographer chose to capture and the view through the lens reflects back to us the photographer and his or her interests. Clearly, the photographer, in this case, was interested in capturing the life of Maya Sudo and Pine Mountain Settlement School in all their many endeavors. This unique album, which opens a window on a narrow period of the School’s history, provides a tight and comprehensive look at activities within the community and on the growing campus.
Album Pages 1 – 43
- Maya Sudo Album: “Bird’s Eye View of Pine Mountain”. 001
- Maya Sudo Album: Maya in woods at PMSS. 002a
- Maya Sudo Album: Maya (left) and her sister standing below PMSS Infirmary. 002b [sudo_album_002b_mod]
- Maya Sudo Album: Maya standing below PMSS Infirmary. 002c
- Maya Sudo Album: View from “Infirmary Porch” at PMSS. 003a [sudo_album_003a_mod]
- Maya Sudo Album: Porch on the back-side of the PMSS Infirmary. Person on railing. 003c
- Maya Sudo Album: Maya in hat standing below PMSS Infirmary. 003d
- Maya Sudo Album: View of the west flank of PMSS Infirmary with horseback rider. 004 [sudo_album_004_mod]
- Maya Sudo Album: “Office and the Infirmary in the background.” 005a
- Maya Sudo Album: “Pine Mountain and Reservoir.” [sudo_album_005b_mod]
- Maya Sudo Album: On horseback with rail fence to right. 006
- Maya Sudo Album: Footbridge across Greasy Creek at entrance to School. Horse and rider in creek, below. 007a
- Maya Sudo Album: “Maternity Case within 4 hrs. ride”. On horseback with rail fence to right. 008a
- Maya Sudo Album: Maya seated in woods. 008b
- Maya Sudo Album: Maya [or sister?] standing and facing camera; in striped skirt. 009a
- Maya Sudo Album: Maya holding small cat [?]. 009b
- Maya Sudo Album: Maya on mule led by two small boys. 010a
- Maya Sudo Album: Maya with calf in field. 010b
- Maya Sudo Album: [blurred image] Maya on horseback with man standing nearby. 010c
- Maya Sudo Album: “Sister’s kindergartners at P.M.” Maya and her class at PMSS. 010d
- Maya Sudo Album: Maya carrying bags. 011a
- Maya Sudo Album: PMSS Infirmary seen from road. Man standing in front. 011b
- Maya Sudo Album: Cabin at Line Fork. View of side. 011c
- Maya Sudo Album: Community; One man and two women standing in front of cabin. 012a
- Maya Sudo Album: Woman with bag and child at her side. 012b
- Maya Sudo Album: Woman seated outside wearing gingham skirt or apron. 012c
- Maya Sudo Album: “Home of a Notorious Moonshiner” [Line Fork]. [sudo_album_013a_mod]
- Maya Sudo Album: “Home of ‘Moonshiner.'” Very rustic cabin. [sudo_album_013b_mod]
- Maya Sudo Album: Two women beside spinning wheel on Big Log porch. 013c
- Maya Sudo Album: Very rustic cabin in mist. 014a
- Maya Sudo Album: Woman standing in yard. 014b
- Maya Sudo Album: Aunt Sal [?] and child on porch of cabin.[sudo_album_ 014c_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Two cows plowing field at home of “Uncle John.”.[sudo_album_015a_mod]
- Maya Sudo Album: “Uncle John and his faithful team”. 015b
- Maya Sudo Album – Postmaster and little boy stand in front of P.M. Post Office. [sudo_album_015c_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: “Sword Dancers; Boy’s House”. 016
- Maya Sudo Album: “The 4th of July Celebration.” Large group on PMSS playground. [sudo_album_017a_mod]
- Maya Sudo Album: Three women standing on bridge. Center woman is probably Dr. Little. [sudo_album_017b_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Young girl in garden with flowers at her feet. 018a [duplicate of 036a]
- Maya Sudo Album: Distant view of two women walking on road. [Mrs. Hook? and ?]. 018b
- Maya Sudo Album: Two standing men in ties and white shirts. 018c
- Maya Sudo Album: Woman holding ladder. 019a
- Maya Sudo Album: Two women balancing on railroad track in front of old Boy’s Industrial. 019b
- Maya Sudo Album: Four women seated in front of building with shake roof. 019c
- Maya Sudo Album: Woman standing at rock pile below new Boy’s House. 020a [sudo_album_020a_mod]
- Maya Sudo Album: Woman seated on horse. 020b
- Maya Sudo Album: Harriet Butler, nurse at Big Laurel, with newborn baby. [sudo_album_020c_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Little girl seated at small spinning wheel. 021a
- Maya Sudo Album: Small boy seated under umbrella [poor exposure]. 021b
- Maya Sudo Album: Small boy with cup and toothbrush, practicing “good dental hygiene.” 021c
- Maya Sudo Album: Two young girls holding container between them. 022a
- Maya Sudo Album: Woman [Emily HIll ?] seated with large basket and playing cat, carding wool. 022b
- Maya Sudo Album: Four children. One girl holds a cat. 022c
- Maya Sudo Album: Man and girl posing for photograph, standing in grass. 022d
- Maya Sudo Album: Distant view of 3 women and a man at Gabes Branch Creek. [sudo_album_023a_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Distant view of woman on muleback in Gabes Branch Creek. 023b
- Maya Sudo Album: Gabes Branch Falls. [sudo_album_023c_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Woman standing at the east corner of Old Log cabin. 024a
- Maya Sudo Album: Harriet Butler with group of nurses and other PMSS staff. [sudo_album_024b_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Harriet Butler seated on bench. [sudo_album_024c_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Distant view of “Laurel House at Pine Mountain.” 025a [sudo_album_025a_mod]
- Maya Sudo Album: Three horseback riders near stream. 025b
- Maya Sudo Album: Women with babies and toddlers, sitting on steps. 025c
- Maya Sudo Album: Group standing by rocky stream, Maya at center. 025d
- Maya Sudo Album: Rail fence, barn, and field; horse ear in right foreground. 026a
- Maya Sudo Album: Distant view of “The Big Log House”. 026b
- Maya Sudo Album: Horseback rider in shallow creek with bridge (?). 026c
- Maya Sudo Album: Three children; one with open umbrella, one with hand over face. 026d
- Maya Sudo Album: View across long valley with mountain in background. 027a
- Maya Sudo Album: Large river and field with people; woman on horse in left foreground. 027b
- Maya Sudo Album: Curved road with ruts. 027c
- Maya Sudo Album: Maya Sudo on horseback. 028a
- Maya Sudo Album: Group of staff at Big Laurel Extension Center. 028b
- Maya Sudo Album: Marguerite Butler [?] standing at kitchen door of Big Log. 028c
- Maya Sudo Album: Distant view of Burkham School House. 029a
- Maya Sudo Album: Distant view of old Laurel House. 029b [sudo_album_029b_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Distant view of the Office with garden in foreground. 029c
- Maya Sudo Album: Postmaster and little boy stand in front of P.M. Post Office. 029d [duplicate of 015c]
- Two men and three women with baskets and buckets. Leon Deschamps on far right (?). Maya Sudo Album [sudo_album_030a_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Maya Sudo’s sister [?]. 030b
- Maya Sudo Album: “Some mules object to this syle of riding.” Two women on a mule at post office. 30d
- Maya Sudo Album: Small boy standing on road toward PMSS playground. 031a
- Maya Sudo Album: “Down Dillon [Laden] Trail.” [sudo_album_031b_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Young man in tie and hat, standing beside log cabin. 031c
- Maya Sudo Album: Snow-covered road lined with hemlocks and pines. 032a
- Maya Sudo Album: “Jack’s Gap from our ‘Moonshine’ Trail.” 032b
- Maya Sudo Album: Snow-covered stream and foot-bridge near Old Log [?]. 033a
- Maya Sudo Album: Snow-covered forest with field in foreground. 033b
- Maya Sudo Album: Snow-covered playground; corner of old Burkham School House on right. 034a
- Maya Sudo Album: Distant view of Infirmary in winter snow. 034b [sudo_album_034b_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Figure standing on “Foot Log in Winter”. 035a
- Maya Sudo Album: Hemlocks and stones covered by snow. 035b
- Maya Sudo Album: Young girl in garden with flowers at her feet. 036a [duplicate of 018a]
- Maya Sudo Album: “Far House Children”. One row of about 12 boys and girls. 036b
- Maya Sudo Album: Harriet Butler standing beside cabin with flowers. Big Laurel Cabin (?). [sudo_album_036c_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Young boy [?] bending over garden with fence. 036d
- Maya Sudo Album: Greasy Creek view. 037a
- Maya Sudo Album: Rebel’s Rock with Laden Trail running under cliff. [sudo_album_037b_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: “Pine Mountain Boys” Group of seven boys in front of Old Laurel House. 038a
- Maya Sudo Album: Boy’s House; raking view with playground in front. 038b
- Shed-roof poultry house. Maya Sudo Album: Chicken House; raking view of front with chickens in yard. 038c
- Maya Sudo Album: Far House I seen from the west end. [sudo_album_039a_mod]
- Maya Sudo Album: “Callahan Children.” Three children of John D. Callahan, whose wife had died and left 7 children, all of whom were sent to PMSS. [sudo_album_039bb_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Woman standing in field with old Laurel House in distant background. 039cc [sudo_album_039cc_mod]
- Maya Sudo Album: Boy’s Industrial Building (?); field in foreground. 040a
- Maya Sudo Album: House in the Woods. Early open classroom. 040b
- Maya Sudo Album: Pole House guest cabin. Located where West Wind now sits. 1917. 040c
- Maya Sudo Album: Man standing on rock near dense woods. Possibly Charles Nesbitt. sudo_album_041a_mod.jpg]
- Maya Sudo Album: Maya negotiating footbridge across Isaac’s Creek; near Old Log and entry of the School. 041b
- Maya Sudo Album: A very young boy and girl with large wooden [?] bead chain. 041c
- Maya Sudo Album: “Christmas in Pine Mountain”. Large group of children and staff standing in snow. 042a
- Maya Sudo Album: “The Swimming Pool in Winter.” Old Laurel House seen in the distance. [sudo_album_042b_mod]
- Maya Sudo Album: View of road leading to Burkham School House; playground in front. 043a
- Maya Sudo Album: View of Pine Mountain valley and mountains; probably from the Infirmary porch [?]. 043b
GO TO PART II for Album Pages 44 – 102
See Also MAYA SUDO Biography