Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY – Staff
Series 14: MEDICAL
Dr. Alfreda Withington, PMSS Physician, 1924-1931
Medical Settlement Big Laurel
Dr. Alfreda Withington Correspondence

Dr. ALFREDA WITHINGTON Correspondence Kentucky

Dr. Withington group en route to visit sick man down Greasy Creek. [kingman_019b]

TAGS: Dr. Alfreda Withington correspondence Kentucky, general medical practitioners, Medical Settlement Big Laurel, horseback travel, practicing medicine in Appalachia in early 1900s, lady doctor in Labrador, woman doctor specializing in tuberculosis

Dr. ALFREDA WITHINGTON Correspondence, 1924-1925

Medical Settlement Big Laurel Physician, 1924-1931

[Note: Letters from PMSS staff in the PMSS Collections are carbon copies, typewritten, unsigned, and meant for the Office files. The original signed documents were sent to the correspondents. The initials at the bottom left of most PMSS letters indicate the writer (often along with initials of the secretary). For example, “EZ” are the initials for Ethel de Long Zande, “KP” refers to Katherine Pettit. Letters from others are typewritten originals unless specified otherwise.]


[withington_a_001.jpg] [no month or day] 1924. Application Blank (unsigned) with handwritten entries for Age (60), Education, Interests, Preferences, References. [001a] Reverse side of Application Blank: Continuation of answers.

[withington_a_002.jpg] January 20, 1924. Handwritten 3-page note to [no salutation] from Miss S.C. Rogers of Pittsfield, MA. Saw notice in Journal A.M.A. and recommends “a person who might like that kind of work.” [002a] Page 2: Describes her credentials. [002b] Page 3: Requests more information about the work.

[withington_a_003.jpg] January 22, 1924. Handwritten 3-page letter to [no salutation] from Dr. Alfreda B. Withington. Pittsfield, MA. Indicates her interest in the work and her training and experience. Lists her qualifications; asked for more information about the position. [003a] – [003b] Pages 2-3 Continues listing qualifications. “It seems as though there would be a human side to the Kentucky work, which one (?) in the present day tendency to specialization.” Encloses a testimonial from the Rockefeller [Commission] and part of an extract from the press. Prefers N.Y. or Boston for interview.

[withington_a_004.jpg] [n.d.] Handwritten 3-page list from Withington with information about her education, references and internship. [004a] Continuation of list, describing more of her education, as well as employment and writing biographies for a book. [004b] Continuation of handwritten list from Withington of her employment, membership activities, presentations.

[withington_a_005.jpg] [n.d.] Handwritten 3-page letter to Mrs. Ethel de Long Zande, Executive Committee, Pine Mt. Settlement from Withington. Encloses the Application Blank. “As regards age – I look years younger and am stronger than the younger generation and outdo them now in ski-ing and show-shoeing. In fact, I’ve always had demands upon me which involved me in a very busy and not easy life, … [005a] and so am inured to work.” Describes her health. [005b] Gives salary preference ($1500); encloses another testimonial.

[withington_a_006.jpg] January 26, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten 2-page letter to Miss S. C. Rogers from EZ (Ethel Zande). Expresses interest in the friend whom Rogers suggested; asks Rogers to send her information about the position. Describes location of PMSS and its Medical Settlement; encloses booklets about PMSS history and the Medical Settlement; explains the heavy workload and need for physical fitness; “Our interest is of course in building up social, moral and hygienic ideals among the people, as well as in the medical work. No one can succeed here who has not the gift of making strong personal contacts, for it is the human qualities in a person which win here in this very undeveloped and unsophisticated place.” Explains that the school is only able to pay a low salary. [006a] Will discuss salary with candidate if she is acceptable. Encloses Application Blank.

[withington_a_007.jpg] January 26, 1924. Handwritten 2-page letter to Miss Katherine Pettit from Caroline H. Adam in Pittsfield, MA. Refers to advertisement in the Chicago Medical Journal for a doctor and recommends her friend, listing her (Dr. A.B. Withington) qualifications. [007a] Reverse side with handwritten words “Journaled (?) this..” 

[withington_a_008.jpg] January 29, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington from EZ (Ethel Zande). Expresses interest in what Rogers and Withington have written; refers to her letter to Rogers with information about the position; suggests that Withington meet in Northampton with “two Smith girls who were [at PMSS] last summer for several months and spent a few days at the Medical Settlement who would answer her questions about the work; asks her to write her thoughts about salary; describes the conditions under which she would work. Dr. Grace Huse has had every experience possible to a physician in her obstetrical work…. Cesarean section where she managed to save both the mother and baby. It really is a remarkable field if your endurance and courage are high.” Invites her to visit.

[withington_a_009.jpg] February 2, 1924. Handwritten 2-page letter to Zande from Caroline H. Adam (Mrs. William L. Adam) in Pittsfield, MA. Describes Dr. Withington as “attractive personally, that is she is pleasant and companionable and gives one a sense of reserve strength equal to any emergency.” Describes Withington’s experience, good judgment, reliability. “She loves the plain people and they love her.” Relates examples of her work in Labrador and France. “I’ve known Dr. Withington at least twenty-four years. She has educated three nephews and a niece….” [009a] Page 2. “She is a woman of refined and good taste but so-called refinements are not essential to her. She is the kind of person you and Miss Pettit are.”

[withington_a_010.jpg] February 2, 1924. Handwritten 3-page letter to Zande from Withington. “As far as seeing the Smith College girls is concerned – I do not need to on my own account, for I am very sure I’d like the mountains. And many a child I’ve ushered into life under circumstances as needy as could be found anywhere.” Assures Zande of her “fitness.” [010a] Page 2. Describes “awful winters” in Mass. “I’m not a biblical person – far from it – but culturally (?) practical, and the poor and ‘down and out’ have usually liked me.” Describes her studies in obstetrics. [010b] Page 3. Asks about the number of Dr. Huse’s obstetrical cases and miles she rides in a day. She states that she doesn’t need to visit PMSS first and asks for “an agreement that I’d go for a year – and if satisfactory on both sides – stay on.” If accepted, she would have to practice “cross-saddle riding” and store her household effects.

[withington_a_011.jpg] [n.d.] Letter of reference to “My dear (?)” from W. Gilman Thompson.

[withington_a_012.jpg] February 6, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington from EZ (Ethel Zande). Both Zande and Huse feel that “Big Laurel ought to be your particular niche.” Asked to plan for a year or 6 months if the “niche” is the wrong one. “The mountain people are a peculiar people, and the only reason why I should think the six months stipulation desirable is that certain personalities are strange to them, and do not win their confidence. What I really believe is that we shall be wanting to keep you for years and years and years…” Answers questions about number of cases per year and miles traveled; will keep the nurse another year as help. Asks Withington to arrive by first of April or earlier; Huse will leave soon after. [011a] Page 2. Zande is glad Withington agrees to a salary of $1500. Expresses appreciation for Mrs. Adam’s letter; “We are certainly fortunate in having someone like her who knows both Miss Pettit and me, to introduce you to us.”

[withington_a_013.jpg] February 9, 1924. Handwritten 4-page letter to Zande from Withington: Agrees to one year or sooner “if the niche prove a wrong one.” She feels that it would take a year for the people to adjust to a new doctor. [013a] Page 2. Asked Zande if she would request a Kentucky license from the state Examining Board based “on credentials.” [013b] Page 3 and [013c] Page 4. More on NY, KY and Mass. credentials and the desire to avoid red tape and expense. Next will be questions concerning what to bring, with an offer of donations of medical supplies and layettes from her and her friends. 

[withington_a_014.jpg] February 11, 1924. Handwritten 2-page letter to Zande from Withington: Informed Zande that, according to the AMA, “there seems to be difficulty in getting reciprocity through an intermediate state…” but will still see if the Kentucky Board would give a license on credentials based on Zande’s work at PMSS. “It would be tragic if they wouldn’t!” [014a] Page 2.

[withington_a_015.jpg] February 12, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Dr. Annie S. Veech, Director, Bureau of Child Hygiene, Louisville, KY, from EZ (Ethel Zande). Explains the situation and asks questions about licensing on credentials. Encloses “an outline [Withington] has sent me, based on questions generally asked in Massachusetts. Dr. Withington has a New York State license of 1911. Does Kentucky reciprocate with New York?” Also included Withington’s letter stating her case. 

[withington_a_016.jpg] February 12, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington from EZ (Ethel Zande). Informs Withington that she wrote to the State about accepting her credentials. “… if you don’t think I am medieval, your handwriting most happily predisposes one to believe in you. …” Agrees to one-year employment. Advises what to bring; will consult Dr. Huse about medical equipment needs.

[withington_a_017.jpg] February 19, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington from EZ (Ethel Zande). Thanks her for sending her account of her Labrador summer; asks if Withington could bring with her a Medical Settlement housekeeper, since the current one – Mrs. Lombard – accepted another job. Describes the work of the housekeeper.

[withington_a_018.jpg] February 18, 1924. Typewritten letter to Zande from Annie S. Veech, M.D., Director, State Board of Health of Kentucky, Bureau of Maternal and Child Health, Louisville, KY. Encloses a “reciprocity blank” for Withington to complete. “…[W]e have not reciprocity with New York, but if the credentials are acceptable permission to practise (sic) in Kentucky will be given.”

[withington_a_019.jpg] February 24, 1924. Handwritten 2-page letter to Zande from Withington. She “can think of no suitable person” to serve as housekeeper yet. [020] Page 2. Awaiting the decision of the Kentucky Board concerning her license.

[withington_a_021.jpg] [n.d.] Handwritten 4-page letter to Zande from Withington. Received Zande’s post card message that Kentucky Board will give her a license. Mentions reciprocity rules in PA… [021a] Page 2. Asks if Dr. Huse can wait to leave PMSS until mid-April, because she has much preparation to do, wishes to be sure about the license, and needs to have dental work on a broken tooth. [020b] Page 3. Asks about clothing and weather needs,…[020c] Page 4. … access to a truck, sending and storing a trunk of clothing, need for her Ford coupe. 

[withington_a_022.jpg] February 25, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Veech from EZ (Ethel Zande). Thanks her for the reciprocity blank.”Dr. Huse is giving up medical practice for a time until her health is better. We hope some time we will have her back here in the mountains.”

[withington_a_023.jpg] February 25, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington from EZ (Ethel Zande). Encloses the reciprocity blank from the Kentucky State Board of Health to be completed and sent to Dr. A.T. McCormack at the State Board of Health, Louisville, KY. Worries about getting a housekeeper for Withington.

[withington_a_024.jpg] February 28, 1924. Typewritten letter to Zande from Veech. Asks that Dr. Withington send credentials directly to her.

[withington_a_025.jpg] February 29, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington from EZ (Ethel Zande). Tells her to send credentials directly to Veech; gives advice about clothing and KY climate. “Medical Settlement is heated by stoves and fireplace, and temperature varies enough to make underwear a piece of wisdom.” Instructs how to send and store her trunk; “…[T]here are no roads at the Medical Settlement suitable for a [F]ord. … Our nurse at Line fork has been wearing knickers through the last year, and I think that very possibly you could after a while.” Dr. Huse may be able to stay until mid-April.

[withington_a_026.jpg] March 1, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Veech from EZ (Ethel Zande). Apologizes for asking Withington to send credentials to McCormack; asking Withington to send them to Veech instead, if not too late.

[withington_a_027.jpg] [n.d.] Handwritten 2-page letter to Zande from Dr. Huse. Can stay until mid-February, if necessary and if possible; explains her health problems. “I meant to lift the [measles] quarantine for children on this side of the mountain this week, but still hesitate to as children go across the mountain, until I know more about the measles situation over there.” Asks Zande to send a short note in her name to Dr. Todd, Dr. Cawood at Harlan, and Dr. Fields at… [027a] Page 2. …Poor Fork “asking about the measles situation in each community. Then we would have some information to go on. In the mean time the children on this side may go home this week.” Huse thinks that Sara Tanover(?) doesn’t have the whooping cough but only a “grippe cough” which a number of other children also have. Huse is sending a special cough medicine for Sara.

[027b] Page 3. [n.d., no salutation] Handwritten 2-page note from Withington. “Some off hand questions” Can she send things by American Express? What else to send besides things furnished by Dr. Huse and Miss Butler? Who lives at the Medical Settlement: nurse, teacher, housekeeper, doctor? Summer and winter temperatures? Need rubber boots? [027c] Page 4. “How is a medical kit carried, in a knap-sac? Is the settlement “horse” a mule or horse[?] (I’ve been reading Perry MacKaye’s article.)

[withington_a_028.jpg] March 4, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned 2-page typewritten letter to Withington from Zande. Informs Withington of Dr. Huse’s agreement to stay until mid-April, if possible; asking State Board of Health to let Withington come to PMSS. Gives information about the housekeeper position, such as salary of $50 a month with living expenses provided. “Miss Harriet Butler has really been the head of the Medical Settlement work, though the work she has done has been that of housekeeper. She is a very able and gifted person, who had long experience in the mountains as a trained nurse but was not able to do that work any longer. She is obliged to leave us now because of a very bad heart condition.” Describes the temperature ranges and weather at PMSS, … [028b] Page 2. …how to send things by express, and the settlement horse (not a mule). PMSS students are reading the Labrador article.

 [withington_a_029.jpg] Friday Evening – [n.d.] Handwritten 2-page letter to Zande from Withington. Tells of “snag” in getting the reciprocity vote of “the Society” because their next meeting is in two months or more. Instead, she asked the Secretary to recommend her and explains the next steps to be taken. [029a] Page 2. Therefore, she asked to arrive at PMSS at the end of April; explains the tasks she must do before leaving. Encloses list of questions. [029b] Page 3. “Does Miss Butler go?” Asks for return of Labrador article to save for her “great-grandnieces.”

[withington_a_030.jpg] March 4, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Veech from EZ (Zande). Updates her on Withington’s effort to get a Kentucky license and Dr. Huse’s need to leave PMSS due to poor health.

[withington_a_031.jpg] March 13, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington from EZ (Zande). Relays Dr. Huse’s message that Huse is “leaving everything at the Settlement that you will need, — saddle bags, horse’s outfits for carrying thing, etc. …”

[withington_a_032.jpg] March 13, 1924. Typewritten letter to Zande from Veech. Informed Dr. Withington via telegram that “arrangements have been made for her to practise (sic) in Kentucky.” Asks for Withington to stop by Louisville on her way to PMSS in order to “know the metropolis of the state and the people of the State Board of Health …“

[withington_a_033.jpg] March 15, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington from EZ (Zande). Informed Withington of Dr. Veech’s news and encourages her to visit Louisville en route to PMSS. “… [Y]ou can get a through sleeper from Louisville to Laden where you get off to cross the mountain. …[I]f you could meet with [the State Board of Health] and talk with them, I think it would help the harmony in which we work, though you will find that they do not always have our point of view about work here.”

[withington_a_034.jpg] March 15, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Veech from EZ (Zande). Expressed delight that Withington can practice in Kentucky and assures that she will ask Withington to stop in Louisville.

[withington_a_035.jpg] March 13, 1924. Handwritten 6-page letter to Zande from Withington. Received telegram from Dr. McComack, stating, “Application satisfactory. Glad to have you in Kentucky.” Describes the pain she’s experiencing due to “exposed nerve” (tooth?) and her preparations for PMSS. [035a] Page 2. Asks about items she can bring or sell if not needed. Will need to learn treatment for hookworm. No housekeeper found; Met Mrs. Bell in NY. [029b] Page 3. List of questions about route to PMSS; arrival at station; how many trunks a dinky can carry … [029c] Page 4. … how to travel from Putney, her mailing address at PMSS, can parcel post deliver to PMSS, can calls be made on foot as well as horse? [029d] Page 5. Questions about clothing; nearest town and city; … [029e] Page 6. … dampness and mold, pill containers, number of obstetrician cases. 

[withington_a_036.jpg] March 12, 1924. Handwritten 3-page letter to Zande from Withington. Describes a note from McComack, who returned her application and asked for missing information about reciprocity by Massachusetts. Knowing that none would be given by Massachusetts, she traveled by train to Boston and met with the Secretary. He signed the paper, inserting “Mass. reciprocates with no state” and she mailed it special delivery to McComack. … [036a] Page 2. Feels she must talk with Dr. Huse. [036b] Page 3. Needs additional dental work; needs to rent her apartment and office; read positive words by Gertrude Lacering(?) about Zande’s work.

[withington_a_037.jpg] March 17, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned 2-page typewritten letter to Withington from EZ (Zande). Answers Withington’s questions: (1) Describes best route to take. (2) At Laden she will be met by Mr. Wilson Lewis and his mule for the trip over the mountain. (3) “The dinkey can bring many trunks! They run a flat car for freight, and our new grand piano for the chapel came over safely before Christmas.” (4) “The trip over the mountain from Laden is about six miles. …” (5) “Yes, your mail address is [Pine Mountain, KY]. Someone from the Medical Settlement rides up periodically to get the mail.” (6) “Parcel Post is delivered at the school.” (7) Most local neighbors come to the doctor rather than the doctor making house calls. (8) and (9) Clothing tips. (10) The doctor would like to take in Pine Mountain once a week, … 

[037a] Page 2. …. But her country practice has made this impossible. [The nurse can fill in] but … in emergencies we always send for the doctor. At the first of the year there are days of work here, examining all the children.” (11) “We buy our medicines from a wholesale house in Louisville, our groceries from a wholesale house in Cincinnati. We use mail order houses largely.” Describes how to go to Harlan by train from PMSS (12) and distances from PMSS to other nearby cities. (13) Weather is damp in early summer, dry by end of summer. (14) Will ask Dr. Huse about Withington’s medical-related questions. The doctor (Huse) is planning to stay over your arrival. 

[withington_a_038.jpg] March 19, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington from EZ (Zande). Relays Dr. Huse’s answers to Withington’s questions. “[Dr. Huse] averages perhaps twenty-five obstetrical cases a year….” 

[withington_a_039.jpg] March 20, 1924. Handwritten 4-page letter to Zande from Withington. Comments on “being met by a mule” and the definition of a dinky. Agrees to stop in Louisville; more about her dental troubles; [039a] Page 2. Dental troubles, continued, which may affect her arrival schedule at PMSS. [039b] Page 3. Provides two possible dates for arrival and her arrangements with the Louisville people. [039c] Page 4. Writes about renting her apartment, the importance of talking with Dr. Huse, and clothing concerns. Visited Mrs. Bell in NY.

[withington_a_040.jpg] March 25, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington from EZ (Zande). Mentions Dr. Grant, a dentist in Louisville who came twice to PMSS for a dental clinic. Hopes Withington can attend Dr. Pickett’s prenatal clinic in Louisville. Relays Dr. Huse’s suggested riding clothing; knickers may not be accepted up the branches “where opinion hasn’t changed very much. …” Accepts Withington’s offer of the books Sharp Eyes and Birds of North America. Gives advice about changing to riding clothes on the sleeper or at Mrs. Chad Lewis’s in Laden.

[withington_a_041.jpg] March 28, 1924. [Notation in shorthand, upper right of page.] Handwritten 4-page letter to Zande from Withington. Dental problems, continued. [041a] Page 2. Appreciates Zande’s writing about Dr. Grant, appropriate clothing. [041b] Page 3. More about clothing, riding boots. “The leaflet was so interesting. I scan each one to find a picture of you. I am very ‘New England’ looking (alas!) …Frances Robbins and her father treasure your letters.” [041c] Page 4. Sending a children’s book, Fish See through a Camera. Enclosing a questionnaire.

[withington_a_042.jpg] [n.d. Enclosed in letter #041.] Handwritten list of questions to Zande from Withington concerning equipment, transporting her suitcase.

[withington_a_043.jpg] April 4, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington from EZ (Zande). Answered Withington’s questions. Mrs. Alderman of Williamstown is interested in working as housekeeper at the Medical Settlement and hopes that Withington has connected with her.

[withington_a_044.jpg] [n.d.] Handwritten 3-page letter to Zande from Withington. Additional questions: using telegrams; packing books. [044a] Page 2. Hosting “bees” to sew medical dressings and layettes. Responded to Mrs. Alderman’s inquiries about the housekeeper position and has heard nothing from her since. [044b] Page 3. Needs to rest after arriving; may need Dr. Grant’s dental care.

[withington_a_045.jpg] April 11, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington likely from Zande. Use Western Union, Harlan, Ky., for telegraphs, which then mails messages to PMSS. “The office sends in any telegram containing a message of death, for a worker at the school, by special messenger on horseback.” Mrs. Alderman will be coming to PMSS. Assures that Miss Vallette, the nurse, may be able to do most of the outside work for awhile which will allow Withington to rest. “We are afraid we are in for a measles epidemic in this neighborhood. Of course, we are doing everything we can to keep it out of the school, but there are two cases nearby, and it looks as if there would be more.”

[withington_a_046.jpg] [n.d.; stamped “APR 12”] Handwritten letter to Zande from Withington. Asks about bringing a trunk; nearest bank. Expressed how odd not to receive word from Alderman.

[withington_a_047.jpg] [n.d. “Tuesday Evening.” Stamped “APR 21”] Handwritten 2-page letter to Zande from Withington. Mrs. Alderman visited Withington: I like her! and she has a sense of humor which is an asset.” Asks Zande to send Alderman explicit directions as she fears the trip. Describes travel plans for both. [TRUNCATED IMAGE?] 

[withington_a_048.jpg] MISSING IMAGE

[withington_a_049.jpg] May 10, 1924. Carbon copy of typewritten note to Dr. Raymond Grant in Louisville, KY, from Ethel de Long Zande. Asks Grant to reserve Monday to see Dr. Withington.

[withington_a_050.jpg] May 15, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten note to Withington at Brown Hotel, Louisville, KY, from EZ (Zande). Sent words of sympathy concerning her dental troubles; Mrs. Alderman has been informed.

[withington_a_051.jpg] July 9, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten note to Mr. R.E. Samuels, First State Bank at Pineville, Ky., from EZ (Zande). Introduces Withington and encloses a sample of Withington’s signature

[withington_a_052.jpg] November 29, 1924. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten note to Withington at Medical Settlement, Big Laurel, Ky., from KP (Katherine Pettit). Encloses letter from Dr. Smith explaining the Johnsons. “Perhaps you will want to show to Miss Heney and give her instructions to follow Dr. Smith’s advice.”


[withington_a_053.jpg] January 23, 1925. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington from [?]. Arranging for children to visit a dental clinic and Dr. Perky at a visual clinic. Mentions Miss [Bessie V.] Gaunt.

[withington_a_054.jpg] February 25, 1925. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten note to Withington from [?]. Asks if Miss Vallette could return for July and August while Withington is on vacation.

[withington_a_055.jpg] March 31, 1925. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten note to Withington from [?]. Sorry she is ill. Miss Peters cannot come this summer, so we should continue with Miss Vallette. 

[withington_a_056.jpg] July 27, 1925. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington from EZ (Zande). “The new family [PMSS staff] is assembled, and such a nice one! The extra worker, who is to room with your nurse, is to be a very lovely person. She is to teach Little Laurel School and Mr. and Mrs. Warren are to do Big Laurel work ….”

 [withington_a_057.jpg] [n.d.] Handwritten 4-page letter to Zande from Withington in Monhegan, Maine. Her vacation ending, she will go to Boston for dentistry work. She described her stay at Pittsfield; met Miss Hocking (?) at Jefferson. Describes Monhegan. [057a] Page 2. Met Mrs. Martin who “is coming to call very soon.” Relates her travel plans. [Continued with letters #058 and #059.]

[withington_a_058.jpg] MISSING IMAGE

[withington_a_059.jpg] [Page 4; continuation of letter #057.] Will meet with Judge Humphrey in Louisville (“It isn’t a bad idea for our work to know influential people in Louisville I suppose.”), then a meeting with Dr. Abell and Dr. Presley (?). Tells more about her travel plans; gives her address in Chestnut Hill, Mass.

[withington_a_060.jpg] September 7, 1925. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten letter to Withington at Chestnut Hill, Mass., from EZ (Zande). Zande sends Withington her check late, explaining that the checkbook must be sent every month to the auditor and he returned it late. Weather at PMSS has been hot and dry, almost ruining the crops. Dr. Abell took moving pictures of PMSS. Dr. Jaggers conducted a dental clinic at PMSS. Asked for 1 large wooden spoon and 2 granite spoons.

[withington_a_061.jpg] September 9, 1925. Handwritten 2-page letter to Zande from Withington in Binghamton, N.Y. Describes travel plans to Cleveland and Louisville, then PMSS. Worried about not receiving her check yet. [061a] Page 2. “The world at large seems to be going at a very fast rate and one can but wonder how long it can last; and how everyone has the Florida craze!”

[withington_a_062.jpg] September 14, 1925. Carbon copy of unsigned typewritten note to Withington in Louisville, Ky., from EZ (Zande). Assures Withington that she sent her check and explained the delay.


See Also:

[Main State Special Collections, Main State Library]


MEDICAL Introduction