Pine Mountain Settlement School
TAGS: Philip Roettinger; Elisabeth Roettinger; Ethel Mccullough; Pine Mountain Settlement School; 1914; Board of Trustees;
The current web album consists of 68 scanned pages with multiple images on each page. The complete album is comprised of 101 pages of photographic images. The pages of the album have not been enhanced for color or image. The individual photographs in PART I and PART II have been altered for quality. They have been color-corrected and scratches and other “noise” has been removed.
PHILIP ROETTINGER ALBUM PART III (incomplete) (pages 68 – 101)
The album was prepared by Elisabeth Roettinger and her friend Ethel McCullough. Elisabeth Roettinger was a summer worker at Pine Mountain Settlement School in 1914 and 1915. Her father, Philip Roettinger, served on the first board of trustees for the School. Ethel McCullough was also a summer worker in 1914 and was an avid photographer. She took many photographs of Pine Mountain and they are included in this composite album. See ETHEL McCULLOUGH. The Ethel McCullough Photograph Album [in process] duplicates some of the photographs found in this shared effort.
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TAGS: Description of images contained in the album are listed below. To view individual images explore PART I and PART II. Pages 69 – 101 have not been processed.
001 The children and their playmate. [15 children on stone steps with porch in background; Older man, Philip Roettinger?, in back row and young man in center.] ; 002a Dillon, April 29, 1915. Starting in. [Two men, woman and boy. Younger man attaching luggage to one of two mules. Older man is Philip Roettinger?] ; 002b Down the road. [Two men, one man riding on one of two mules, woman and boy walking down dirt road with backs to camera. Railroad tracks to right?] ; 003a [Big Log; from a distance.] ; 003b Big Log House [Close up from side with chimney.] 004a [Old Log House from across the campus, one figure in front of the building, two figures off to the right.] 004b Old Log House. [Up close.] 005a Old Log House from yon side the walk-log ; 005b Old Log House from Pine Knoll ; 006a The valley from Uncle John’s toward the school ; 006b The ford and the walk-log. [A wooden plank set across a small ford.] ; 007a A bit of mountain road. [Piles of leaves to the right, trees in the back.] ; 007b Our reception. [Building with wooden fence in front. Three young boys standing atop fence, 15 standing in front of fence: two women in back row on left, man in back row center, Philip Roettinger? middle row, the rest children.] ; 008a John Lewis and “Jim.” [John Lewis standing to the right of a mule, mule’s head behind Lewis’.] ; 008b Ethel on “John.” [Ethel sitting on a mule, John Lewis? standing in front of the mule.] ; 009a Part of the school farm. ; 009b The living room of the Big Log House. [Bookcases with an animal pelt hanging on the wall above.] ; 010a Pole House from meadow ; 10b Pole House. [Up close.] ; 011a View from the Pole House window ; 011b [View from Pole House window of mountain and trees.] ; 012a [Mountain road, dirt path surrounded by trees.] ; 012b Old Mr. Man on Pole House. [Philip Roettinger sitting on porch.] ; 012c View of valley from Pole House ; 013a The road above Joe Day‘s. [Dirt road on left, tree stump on right.] ; 013b [Dirt road on right winding through trees.] ; 014 Uncle William Creech, Founder of Pine Mountain Settlement School. [In front of his cabin?, standing with rifle over shoulder and walking stick.] ; 015a Uncle William and Aunt Sal digging “pie plant” [rhubrb] ; [William Creech, Aunt Sal, his wife, and two young boys in field.] ; 015b The Postmaster. [Standing on porch of post office?] ; 015c Uncle William and little William. [William Creech holding toddler boy, young girl and toddler girl standing to the right.] ; 016a Brit [Wilder], one of the grandchildren. [Wooden fence in background.] ; 016b Aunt Sal. [Sitting with butter churner? in a kitchen.] ;017a Aunt Sal and the little flax wheel, “money couldn’t buy her.” ; 017b Aunt Sal and Columbus[Creech]. In front of the Creech cabin?] ; 018a Uncle William giving a lesson in spreading flax. [William Creech, standing in back, and 9 children in the field.] ; 018b Uncle William giving a lesson in spreading flax. [William Creech, standing, and nine children.] ; 018c “We don’t aim to leave nary a bit o’ dirt.” [Big rock in background, nine young boys sitting in a row, fifth from left with a broom.] ; 019a Charlie, the boy who smiles. [Young boy standing with wooden gates in background.] ; 019b Planting cow-peas in new ground. [One man and seven children planting on a hillside.] ; 020a Children from “down Greasy” at work. [One man and eight children in a working in a field, mountain in background.] ; 020b “We are jest bound to git out airy a weed.” [Three children working, dirt patch in foreground, trees in background.] ; 021a Chester, Barton, Christopher, and Wilson. [Planting blossoms.] ; 021b Planting Blossoms. [Christopher, Woman, Wilson, Chester, Barton?. Fence in background.] ; 022a John and his chest. [Young boy standing on stone stairs, hat on steps next to him, chest on right.] ; 022b Christopher (Fleet Foot). [Young boy standing in dirt in foreground, mountain in background.] ; 022c The best-beloved “Miss de Long, and her children, John, Christlie, Wilson, Charlie, Chester, Dosia, Barton. [Picture Missing]
023a Bertha, Alifair, and Mary Ann [Three women working, one in middle ironing, on a porch.]
023b Trancie Turner. [Standing amongst shrubbery.] ; 023c Bertha and Mallie. [Standing against a building.] ; 024a Alifair, our cook.[Young woman outside wearing dark dress and hat.] ; 024b Trancie Turner. [Young woman outside, light colored dress and dark hat.] ; 025a Munroe and Mary Ann. [Young boy and girl at the bottom of a flight of outdoor steps, three people in background at top of steps.] ; 025b Dewie Lewis, John and Charlie. [Three young boys sitting outside.] ; 026a The baseball field. [People playing baseball, trees in background.] ; 026c On the rock by the toolhouse – work times past. [Four young boys sitting on a rock.] ;026b Becky May Huff. [Young girl holding books? tied up, mule in background.] ; 027a The end of the May pole – Munroe, Charlie and the three Lewises. [Five boys: Two in the foreground on large logs, one standing by a pole in the back, and two climbing on the pole.] ; 027b A Race. [Four young boys running, surrounded by several piles of wood.] ; 028a Play time. [Four young boys pulling three others on a wagon, large pile of wood in background.] ; 028b Ethel, Chester, Christopher, Francis, Mary Ann, Wilson, Taylor and cats. [Woman and six children sitting on steps of Old Log House.] ; 029a On the walk-log. [Woman and six children: Ethel, Chester, Christopher, Francis, Mary Ann, Wilson, Taylor? standing on log over the ford.] ; 029b [Ethel, Chester, Christopher, Francis, Mary Ann, Wilson, Taylor and cats? standing by the edge of Old Log House porch.] ; 030a Way down Greasy, Dot on “Goeble.” [Woman riding on mule, trees in background.] ; 030b Dot playing at Narcissus. [Woman bent down by edge of pool of water with hands in water.] ; 031a Olga and Dot. [Two women sitting: one of left cross-legged, one on right arms around knees.] 031b Dot and Lizzie at the pool. [Two women: one on left standing, one on right squatting.] ; 032a A far view. [Three thin trees in foreground, mountains in background.]
032b Taylor on Nell going to meetin’. [Young boy riding, creek? at far right.] ; 033a Bringing in the saw-mill. [Four pairs of animals yoked, dragging saw-mill, two people to left of saw-mill, building behind wooden fence on left.] ; 033b Goin’ home from meetin’. [Nine women and men walking in a line on the right, backs shown.] ; 034a [Mountain view: rocks and trees.]
034b Greasy. [Creek surrounded by mountain on all sides. ; 035a A school house way down Greasy Creek. [Two mules? and several logs in foreground, school back right.] ; 035b A mansion. [Side of a wooden building at right, wooden chair at front right, back of a woman in background on left.] ; 036a [14 men and women outside: Nine standing in back, five men squatting in front, Fourth of July 1914.] ; 036b Fourth of July 1914. [14 men and women outside: Nine standing in back, four men and one woman squatting in front, person in middle front holding American flag?] ; 036c Alifair and Mallie. [Two women outside, one has arm around other’s shoulder, young boy to the right, various people in background on right.] ; 037a Some of our neighbors. [Two men and five women standing in a line outside, buildings behind in the center and at left.]
037b The Loyd Turners. [Fourteen men, women, and children, wooden fence at far left, hills in background.] ; 038 Josiah Creech. [Man with rifle standing on porch of Old Log House.] ; 039a The Divide School, 1913 [23 children, one woman outside, building in background on left.]
039b Hauling locust posts. [Man standing to right of mule.] ; 040a Sol Day’s daughters. [Six young girls standing in a line in front of a building, girl on right is holding youngest girl.] ; 040b The valley of Little Laurel. ; 041a Miss Davis and the Joe Days. [Three adults, woman on left, and seven kids standing outside.] ; 041b Little Laurel Schoolhouse. [18 people: six children and one man on top of roof, eleven standing in front of building.] ; 042a Emily. [Woman holding basket, two dogs at right.] ; 042b The road above Uncle William’s. [Road covered partially by snow, fence at right.] ; 042c Emily and Peggie. [Two women standing: one at left holding a basket. Snow covered ground.] ; 043a Life is hard in the wilderness. [Young man holding axe? in one hand and log in the other, logs at feet, fence in background, building at right in background.]
043b Sport! [Young man in overalls holding an animal in one hand.] ; 044a Alifair, Oscar, and Mallie. [Woman, man and woman standing in a line in front of a mule.] ;044b Mallie and the Turner baby. ; 045a Mary Ann, Mallie, and Miss Watts. [Three women: one standing in doorway of building, one leaning against building, and one standing in front of a fence; small child at foot of door.] ; 045b Frances. [Small child carrying plants standing on a foot-log?] ; 045c Goin’ to meetin. [Three people: Philip Roettinger on a mule, woman and small boy on another mule, mules standing in water.] ; 046 Sheep Shearing, Uncle John, Aunt Sis, and Mrs. Joe Day. [Woman standing next to a barn on left, watching man and woman sheer a sheep.] ; 047a [Aunt Sis and Mrs. Joe Day sheering a sheep, barn at left.] ; 047b [Uncle John, Aunt Sis, and Mrs. Joe Day with a sheep. Woman standing next to barn at left, woman and man kneeling next to sheep.] ; 048a Meetin’ in the grove. [Two women: one at left and one at right sitting amidst trees, several others sitting in background.] ;048b Two of the Turners. [Two men standing in front of the post office? to the left of the porch. Tobacco sign on side of building.] ; 049a Aunt Judy at home. [Woman sitting at left, churner at right, fireplace at back right.] ; 049b Aunt Judy Turner and the “pied nag.” [Woman standing in front of a horse, fence in background.] ; 050a Bringing flax and the breaker. [Two boys: one at left carrying flax over his shoulder, one at right carrying the breaker? over his shoulder.] ; 050b Swinging flax, Aunt Sal and Lizzie. [Older woman at left swinging flax, Elisabeth Roettinger? at right watching.] ; 051a Aunt Judy and Aunt Stacey Ellen arrive. [Two women: One at left standing next to a horse?, one at right standing next to a mule.]
051b “A Workin” Aunt Polly Ann, Aunt Stacey Ellen, Aunt Judy, and Aunt Sal. [Three women sitting, one on left holding a baby, one woman standing, two children in background at left and right.] ; 052a [Woman riding on a mule in the forest.] ; 052b [Woman standing by a tree holding a long stick in one hand.] ; 052c Virgin forest. ; 053a Up Big Laurel. [Woman at left holding a walking stick?, mule? behind tree limbs.] ; 053b Peggie and Lizzie. [Two women: Elisabeth Roettinger at right? at the base of a giant yellow poplar?] ; 053c The giant yellow poplar. Columbus and Lizzie. [Elisabeth Roettinger? at left and man at right at base of tree.] ; 054a Ethel on Jack’s Gap. [Woman holding a walking stick with two hands, large rocks on the left, trees and branches on the right.] ; 054b A lonesome pine. ; 055a View from Jack’s Gap. ; 055b The rock, Jack’s Gap. [Tree at left, large rock behind trees at right.] ; 055c Dogwood on trail to Jack’s Gap.
056a On the mountain top. Uncle Wm. Creech and “Old Mr. Man” – P.R. [Two older men: William Creech and Philip Roettinger sitting, Creech on left holding a cane, hat on the rock at left, Roettinger at right holding a walking stick.] ; 056b Old Mr. Man, Uncle William and Lizzie. [Philip Roettinger at left holding walking stick and plants, Elisabeth Roettinger in center holding plants, William Creech at right holding hat in hand.] ; 057a Getting dinner at a “workin.” [Three women at left by a “teepee” of three logs, three women at a table of food at right, two boys in background.] ; 057b A water mill. [Two men: older man standing at left with arms crossed, younger man squatting at right with food to his mouth.] ; 058a Mary Ann Begley. [Young woman standing in a clearing with forest in the background.] ; 058b Dot and Chester. [Man and woman on a mule.] ; 059a Dot and Chester, Carman, Miss Gaines, Olga, and Oscar. [Six men and women lined up on five horses and mules?; fence in background.] ; 059b Down Gabe’s Branch. [Four people: three riding on mules, one standing going down a forest trail.] ; 060a Uncle Lewis and Aunt Katie Creech, Poorfork. [Three women at left, an older man and woman, and two young girls; large building in back at right.] ; 060b Annie and the “lil” dog. [Young woman at left, dog jumping straight up at right, building in back.] ; 061a View from the porch at Uncle Lewis’. [Roof of building in lower left corner, mountains in the distance.] ; 061b “Big Black” from near Poorfork. [Bridge visible in foreground, buildings and mountains in background.]
062a View from the mountain near Poorfork. ; 062b Looking toward “Big Black.” [Mountain landscape.] ; 063a Rock near the Raven’s nest. [Tree at right in front of rock.]
063b Ethel McCullough and Lizzie [Elizabeth Roettinger] near Raven’s Nest. [Two women standing with walking sticks in front, large rock and trees in background.] ; 064a [View from inside the Raven’s Nest?] ; 064b Looking out of the Raven’s Nest, a cave at the top of Pine Mountain near Poorfork. [Three people: two women, one man visible at bottom left; cave on right, view of the outside on left.] ; 065a [View from the Raven’s Nest, a cave at the top of Pine Mountain near Poorfork.] ; 065b [View from the Raven’s Nest, a cave at the top of Pine Mountain near Poorfork.] ; 066a Log Rock. [Three men and two women standing a top a large rock that looks like a fallen log.] ; 066b Great Rock at the top of Pine Mountain. [Three people visible just past tree line in forefront.] ; 067a Columbus and Lizzie on the road to Hurricane Gap. Elisabeth Roettinger, Columbus Creech. [Woman at left holding walking stick, man at right holding small parcel, walking down a trail.] ; 067b Ethel and Columbus, Poorfork and Black. Miss McCullough and Columbus. [Man and woman leaning against a wooden fence, dirt path in front, mountains in background.] ; 068a [Mountain view.]
068b The Far House. [Close up- shutters and doors open.] ; 069a Bobby and Melinda. [Two young children sitting on steps on Old Log House, rocking chair on porch.] ; 069b Some of the Far House children. [Six children on the porch of Far House.] ; 070a Far House Living Room – May Ritchie. [Young woman sitting in chair at left with animal in lap, round table in center, doors at right.] ; 070b Far House. ; 071a [Five young boys: one standing on left, three by a sawhorse, and one squatting in background.] ; 071b Far House – Back. ; 071c School in the Lodge. [Three young men and three young women sitting in wooden chairs, five have books, stove? in middle of room.] ; 072a [Rebel’s Rock on Laden Trail, several horses? and man at right.] ; 072b [Burkham School 2.] ; 073a Barton, Munroe, Chester, John [Four young boys: two on large log, one behind the log, one sitting on the ground in front of the log.] ; 073b Far House Children. [Six young children sitting on the ground, third from left holding a cat. Fence in background.] ; 074a Will Cornett and Antie. [Young man sitting on a log, dog on his left side.] ; 074b Old Log House.
074c Green Bailey. [Young boy picking flowers, basket on the ground on left.] ; 075a Greasy. [Greasy Creek.] ; 075b Gabe’s Branch at Christmas. [View of waterfall at Gabe’s Branch Falls.]
076a [Children holding ribbons attached to the Maypole, group of children sitting to the right, May Day 1916] ; 076b [Two young girls standing, Maypole in background on right, May Day 1916.] ; 077a May Day 1916. [Children dancing with the ribbons attached to the Maypole, children sitting to the right.] ; 077b [11 Children sitting with flowers and a ribbon, May Day 1916.] ; 078 Bee Gums. [Hollowed-out gum tree bee apiaries in foreground, two smaller buildings in background.] ; 079a Lonesome. [Hillside with two small buildings at base, fencing along the hill.] ; 079b [Three small buildings at the base of a hill, bare trees on top of hill.] ; 080a Grave Houses. [Five grave houses, four in a line, one on its side in front of the fourth.] ; 080b Rocks at Gate. [Fence in foreground, Large rocks and trees in background.] ; 081a Laurel House.
081b [Young boy with broom, plants in background.] ; 081c Down the valley. ; 082a [Young woman leaning against a porch post behind a spinning wheel.] ; 082b Aunt Polly Ann. [Older woman and young boy standing, building on left.] ; 082c Aunt Polly Ann. [Older woman and young boy standing, building on left. Duplicate picture.] ; 082d [Aunt Polly Ann, seated, and young boy inside in front of the fireplace.] ; 083a Phronie and other Bakers. [Woman and four children standing in front of a clothesline, building on left.] ; 083b [Four young children standing on the edge of a porch, oldest girl on left holding youngest child.] ; 084a Old Uncle John (109-1916). [Old man standing outside, ripped jacket, wearing a hat. 109 years old in 1916?] ; 084b [Ten people: six adults, four children, standing on the steps of a building, sides of building covered with foilage.] ; 085a Uncle John Lewis and Aunt Louisa. [Older man and woman standing in the opened gate of a fence, woman holding small pail.] ; 085b [Mountain tree and foilage.] ; 086a Jack’s Gap. [Woman, standing, and two boys, sitting, atop a large rock.] ; 086b Headwaters of Greasy. [Greasy Creek, two fences in foreground.] ; 087a Aunt Judy and two of the 50+ Grandchildren. [Older woman and young boy sitting on steps of porch, young girl standing by them.] ; 087b An ordinary sized family. [Woman and seven children sitting and standing on the steps of a porch.] ; 088a Oscar, Mallie [Begley] and the boy. [Man leaning against house with child on lap, woman seated on chair on right in front of house.] ; 088b Bertha’s babies. [Man standing, two children seated on mule, and woman standing holding a child. Snow on the ground.] ; 089a Medical Center Mouth of Big Laurel. [Snow on ground and roof of building.]
089b Living Room at the Medical Center. [Table at left, two chairs on either side of fireplace, shelving with dishware to left of fireplace.] ; 090a District School at mouth of Big Laurel. [39 nine children sitting and standing, man standing back right; rocks in foreground, mountains in background.] ; 090b The Doctor. (Dr. Huff). [Man riding on horseback, fence at right.]
091a Carpenter Shack. [Large building, part of cut log in foreground.] ; 091b [Four men on dirt path: two standing, two on mules?, second from left is Philip Roettinger?] ; 092a Gordon Morigan at Line Fork. [Man on mule in front of building at right, fencing and trees on left.]
092b Breakfast in the open. [Woman, Philip Roettinger, woman, and man holding baby in front behind table with food. Woman and three younger children at left. Six men and women in back, building in background.] ; 093a [Woman kneeling behind spinning wheel, baskets and material stacked up on porch at left, path leading back to a building through a fence at right.] ; 093b [Large building in the distance, snow on the ground.] ; 093c [Large building with porch in view, snow on the ground.] ; 094a [Two men, man at right is Philip Roettinger, surrounded by shrubbery.] ; 094b [Seven people: Philip Roettinger at center; man, woman and child at left; two men and child at right. Buildings to left and right.] ; 095a [Large, two-story building; fencing at right, field in foreground.] ; 095b Boys House. [Large house with porch off of first and second floor on right side, basketball hoop towards left end of house.] ; 096a [Profile view of man wearing dark pants and dark jacket on horse?, briefcase tied up on side of horse, trees in background.] ; 096b [Man and two boys standing on dirt path, two mules: one white, one brown.] ; 097a [Profile view of man on horse wearing light colored pants and dark jacked, rocks and dirt in foreground, trees in background.] ; 097b [Four people: Woman, Philip Roettinger, woman, and man standing in front of a house, well at left.] ; 098a [Construction: wood pallet piles in foreground, logs in center, buildings under construction in back.] ; 098b [Turkey with feathers out, gate at left, bush at right, window and edge of house at far right.] ; 099a [Large rock at left, dirt path down center, trees at right.] ; 099b [Forest view.] ; 100a Quarters for prison workers on the road. [Train heading down tracks from center, house to right, fence and rocks in front.] ; 100b William Creech Memorial Fountain. [Stone structure, rock path in front of Memorial, trees and bushes in back.] ;101a Back Reads: “I’m still waiting for the letter you promised me when we met in Cincinnati. Was there ever a dearer place than this to begin a new life? The house is full oh happiness! Affectionately, Ethel Zande. [Pole House?, back of woman on right side of porch. Photo loose in back of album.] ; Note in back of album reads: “Views at Pine Mountain” Taken by Elisabeth Roettinger and Ethel McCullough, presented to Philip Roettinger.” The album was later sent to Pine Mountain by Ann Bailey.