ELIZABETH HENCH Correspondence 1915-1917

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 02: GOVERNANCE – Board of Trustees
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY – Trustees 
Elizabeth Hench Correspondence 1915-1917
Elizabeth C. Hench, Trustee, 1914-1931(?)

75. Letter from E. Hench to Relatives and Friends. July 23, 1916. Sunday morning, 6:30, page 1. [henc_007a.jpg]

TAGS: Elizabeth Hench correspondence, Katherine Pettit, Ethel de Long, Angela Melville, fundraising, PMSS trustees, Charles N. Manning, Dear Friend letters, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Harlan County KY

ELIZABETH HENCH Correspondence 1915-1917

The images below comprise a collection of Elizabeth Hench letters to and from Katherine Pettit, Ethel de Long (Zande), Charles N. Manning, relatives and friends, and many from PMSS Secretary and teacher, Angela Melville. The letters cover the period from 1915 through 1917 and largely concern fundraising in the early years of the School. The exchanges are candid and contain information on the efforts to find funding for the School and the difficult negotiations among all interests associated with funding, all of which characterized the School during the very early years. As a trustee of the School, Elizabeth Hench was integrally involved in the day-to-day activities of the School and in securing much needed help and supplies to keep the fundraising efforts effective.

GALLERY: ELIZABETH HENCH Correspondence 1915-1917

See Also:
ELIZABETH HENCH Trustee – Biography
ELIZABETH HENCH Correspondence 1926
ELIZABETH C. HENCH GUIDE Joy Stock Company Limited Letters 1927-1933