098 PHOTOGRAPHS IX Students at PMSS singles I

Pine Mountain Settlement School
098 PHOTOGRAPHS IX Students at PMSS singles I
BX 100 singles part I


07_2450 (1934-35) John Wilder, Chester Turner, Pearly Huff, Charles Baker, Minnie Turner, Evelyn Creech, Frank Wilder, Charles Baker, Frankie ?, Allan Morgan, Minnie Collins, Ward Collins, Joe Creech. [098_IX_students_07_2450_001.jpg]

1939 – 1949

TAGS: students 1931-1949, PMSS seniors, Big Log Girls, ballad-singing, William Creech fountain, PMSS choir, PMSS print shop, weddings, Chapel, Girl’s Industrial

The following photographs are located in folder IX 098 STUDENTS, which is a mixed gathering of photographs ranging in date from the late 1920s to the early 1940s. 098 IX STUDENTS at PMSS II is the second group of this folder. These single photographs, selected from students at Pine Mountain Settlement School during the Boarding School days, span the years from 1931 to 1949. 

Many of the students pictured were attending in 1937 or were graduated in that same year. It is inspiring to read what the editor, Clyde Blanton, said in the student newspaper, The Pine Cone. As the students prepared to leave the School, he reflects


Tomorrow we leave Pine Mountain. Some of us are going home for the summer. Some of us are leaving and will not come back. A few are taking summer jobs and a few are staying here to work.

For the past few weeks we have been discussing the end of school and exclaiming how glad we are to be leaving. But let us not leave Pine Mountain; let us take Pine Mountain along with us.

We have been living at Pine Mountain for the past nine months. All of us have had courses in Social Studies, Current Events, History, Mathematics, English, Ethics and quite a few others. There have been things learned in these classes which will help us live. But the things we have learned will do neither us nor anybody any good unless we apply them to the problems of living. In Ethics we have decided that an open mind is an asset to any person. A mind that is ready to receive any bit of knowledge or idea and analyze it for the good and truth it contains will help us. We know this, but what good will it do for us if it is not used?

If we approach our problems with a narrow and prejudiced mind, our time in school is wasted. An open mind is characteristic of Pine Mountain; so by keeping an open mind we are taking Pine Mountain with us. 

Actually, classes last from getting up to going to bed. We are in school wherever we learn. Twenty-four hours a day we live here working our problems together. This calls for a vast amount of cooperation on the part of each individual. Each of us has to know how to get along with people. We are going to take the knowledge of living together with us and use it.

Now last, but now least, we are taking the Pine Mountain spirit with us. This spirit seems to be the force behind all our work. It inspires us to take Pine Mountain off the campus and see if it will work elsewhere. 

School life is not important in itself. The value of school lies in the application of what is learned to actual life outside the campus. We go to school in order to live happily and ethically and successfully. So we hope that we will not leave anything behind which might help us to live in this way.

Clyde Blanton, Editor
The Pine Cone, May 1937


[Pages 01-07]

IX 098 STUDENTS singles II (Gallery II)
IX 098 STUDENTS Full Pages

See Also:
PHOTOGRAPHS (An introduction to PMSS photographs)
PHOTOGRAPHS Guide (Series list)