DEAR FRIEND LETTERS 1953 and Brochure

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 17: PMSS Publications (Published by the School)
DEAR FRIEND Letter and Brochures 1953

DEAR FRIEND LETTER and Brochures 1953

TAGS: Hospital,PMSS history,dental care,medical care,fundraising,Nativity Play,Burton Rogers,map of roads to PMSS

CONTENTS: First Brochure

Page 1
Pine Mountain Settlement School, Pine Mountain Kentucky , April 1953

Photograph: Pine Mountain Hospital on hill with grazing cows in foreground.
Contents: Brief mention of PMSS’s history.

Page 2
Dentist treating young boy with nurse looking on. “The School Nurse Plans for Preventive and Corrective Care.”
Sketch of log cabin. “Pioneer home of William and Sally Creech whose gift of a large tract of land led to the establishment of the Pine Mountain Settlement School.”

Page 3
“Doctor and nurse check over a recent arrival (baby)”
Jeep crossing a creek. “The visiting nurse still finds going rough.”
Children eating around dining room table. “A good noon meal supplies important nourishment.”
Woman helping a little girl bottle-feed a baby. “A home visit to be sure the baby is thriving.”

Contents: Brief history of the growth of the West Wind hospital from the school infirmary. “Three nurses share 24-hour duty and we should have a fourth. Dr. Tracy Jones of Harlan directs the medical work on a part-time basis.”

Describes the informality of life in the hospital; the duties of the full-time nurse; how the school’s hot lunch provides nutrition and controls hookworm infections.

The narrative ends with an appeal for help from Pine Mountain friends.
Sincerely, [signed] Burton Rogers, Director.

GALLERY: First Brochure

CONTENTS: DEAR FRIEND Letter and Brochures 1953 – Second Brochure

Page 1
(Cover) Photograph: Three children seated at a table listening to a record player.
“Pine Mountain Settlement School . . . a community center in an isolated mountain neighborhood”
(Back Page) Map of “Roads to Pine Mt.

Page 2
Dentist tending to little boy’s teeth with nurse looking on. “A Harlan dentist holds clinic for school children.”
Children seated at a table reading books with teacher looking on. “Pupils work with Berea College student teacher. …”
“Pure-bred poultry range on hillside pasture.”
“School children gather for weekly chapel service.”

A sentence explains each of these categories: Health, Education, Agriculture, and Worship. A green-colored insert expresses the need to “raise $40,000 annually to maintain the hospital and to support the various activities…”

Page 3
Two boys at work on projects in a woodworking shop.
Three children at play. “Playing together is a way to learn working together.”
Four children eating around a dining room table.
A young man at X-ray machine. “Neighbors raised $600 to move and install gift X-ray.”
A nurse tends to woman in bed. “Cost is reasonable, care is good.”
Girl using sewing machine. “Girls learn elementary sewing and weaving.”
Man driving tractor in cornfield. “Two Pine Mount graduates manage the farm. It is a demonstration of what can be done with a few acres of carefully cultivated land. A dairy herd and poultry flock supply milk and eggs to the school. The surplus is sold locally.”

Page 4
Photograph: A line of children walk toward two waiting school buses.

Contents: WHAT WE ARE – Mentions the School’s founding 38 years ago and its operation as a boarding school for 36 years, “serving children from scattered homes, first as an elementary and then as a high school.” In 1949 the Board of Trustees planned a cooperative program with the Harlan County Board of Education and “for the past two years the children from five one-room schools and others for whom no schools were available have been attending school in the Mary Burkham Schoolhouse at Pine Mountain. …”

OUR PUPILS – “Nearly 200 children attend Pine Mountain, coming in daily on buses …. Fathers of many families work in mines across the mountain or in the lumber woods. Most families garden, but there is too little bottom land for fulll-scale farming.” The hot lunch program is described.

GALLERY: Second Brochure

CONTENTS: DEAR FRIEND Letter and Brochures 1953 – Third Brochure

Page 1 (Two-part cover)
Image: Mary Rogers’ sketch of children heading to the school bus with mountains in the background.
Quote: “I think there is a good place where Greasy, Middlefork, Linefork, Straight Creek, Leatherwood & Cutshin all head in against the Pine Mountain, pure air, pure water and plenty of children to enjoy it.”
Rev. Lewis Lyttle, 1911.

Pine Mountain Settlement School
Pine Mountain, Kentucky 40861

Photographs ion a 2-page spread [no captions]:
A boy arranging daffodils in a vase
Two people standing at blackboard with students looking on
A little girl holding a paper and looking to her left
A man seated outdoors working on dulcimers
A cornshuck doll with wings
A man and boy working on a shingled roof
A man shoveling material from a creek into a wheelbarrow
A little boy drinking from a milk carton, using a straw
Three people working in a garden; man plowing with horse in background
A young girl smiling at camera, wearing Girl Scout uniform (?)
Three children in the library seated at a table looking at books
A boy and girl reaching upward, as for a ball

Page 3
William Creech, Sr., Donor of the land for P.M.S.S.
“I don’t look after wealth for them. I look after the prosperity of our nation … I want all youngins taught to serve the livin’ God. Of course, they won’t all do that but they can have good and evil laid before them and they can choose which they will.”

Ethel de Long Zande, Co-director of P.M.S.S. 1913 – 1928
“Simplicity, sincerity and joy; – – these are the threads we try to weave into the Pine Mountain web of life.”

Katherine Pettit, Co-director of P.M.S.S. 1913 – 1932
“Our opportunity to raise up citizens – – is one we cannot neglect.”

GALLERY: Third Brochure

CONTENTS: Dear Friend Letter from Burton Rogers, November 27, 1953

[Typewritten on Pine Mountain Settlement School letterhead stationery.]

The letter by Burton Rogers, Director, begins with reference to December 13 when the school children will present Nativity Play in the Chapel, a 40-year tradition. The School’s fortieth anniversary was celebrated in October, with a memorial program. Henry Creech talked about his father, William Creech, Sr., who gave the land to start the School, and co-workers of the founders talked about their memories of Katherine Pettit and Ethel de Long. Presently, the Harlan County Board of Education brings 197 children in buses to the newly consolidated school at Pine Mountain Settlement School, to fill the classrooms, dining room at Laurel House and the Library.

The letter concludes with an appeal for donations. “Our budget for Pine Mountain School and Hospital requires $45,000 from our friends.…”
Sincerely, [signed] Burton Rogers, Director.

GALLERY: Dear Friend Letter from Burton Rogers, November 27, 1953

Dear Friend Letter, November 27, 1953, from Burton Rogers. [1953Nov27BurtonRogerstoFriend.jpg]