Friends & Neighbors Mothers, Children, Family Groups
Boxes 39-42
[Berea College inventory – Series VI]
TAGS: photographs of friends and neighbors, mothers, children, family groups, Pine Mountain Settlement School, Harlan County KY, 1913-1940s, Berea College
VI 39 FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS Mothers Children Family Groups (singles)
… “I say, he’s got a mother, and her valuation
Hit couldn’t be priced.”
Dora Read Goodale, “The Washing”
Mountain Dooryards
The Friends and Neighbors series is listed as Series VI in the Berea Guide to the Pine Mountain Settlement School Records, Part B. The photographs are an aggregation of images taken from many sources and thematically grouped in the 1980s by Mary Rogers, then Librarian at Pine Mountain. In this particular series VI, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS there are, according to the Berea record, 563 “mounted” images. The “mounting” is largely on construction paper with heavy glue and many of the images are beginning to show signs of glue migration through to the emulsion side of the photograph. For this reason, it makes good sense to attempt to preserve the images through digital means. Contact prints were made at the time the collection was cataloged by Berea College, but many of these are of poor quality and do not capture detail.
This large series is grouped into a thematic set. This particular set, #39-42, is focused on Mothers, Children, Family Groups. Not all photographs on the mounted pages have been duplicated in the Berea set. The set as reproduced here includes the Berea set as well as the omitted images.
The Friends and Neighbors series dates largely from 1913, the founding date of the school, through the 1940s. There has been a limited attempt to range the images according to date, but many of the images are not dated and determining the exact date is not possible unless the photograph was dated and recorded in association with the image. When the image has been previously dated or identified, that information has been included in quotes. When no information accompanies the image, only the image ID has been given.
It is hoped that members of the Pine Mountain Community will help us to identify individuals.
Appalachian communities, Line Fork School, Letcher County KY, education, Mrs. Hiram Hall, Wendall Hall, Mrs. Irving Browning, Maye Browning, Mrs. Jason Smith, Pearl Smith, Mrs. Green Cornett, Lillian May Cornett, Mrs. Hen Lewis, Mrs. Jerrett Lewis, Cutshin KY, Rev. Robert Stapleton, Dr. Ida Stapleton, Bessie Fields, Edra Cornett, Ethel de Long Zande, Barto Zande, John M. Smith, Nannie Smith, Burto Smith, Loretta Smith, Hi Hall family, Gola Smith, Chloa Smith, Emily Metcalf, Sally Fields, Ophia Cornett
GALLERY: FRIENDS & NEIGHBORS VI 39 Mothers, Children, Family Groups (singles)
[64 images]
See Also:
VI 39 FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS Mothers, Children, Family Groups (pages)
VI 40 FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS Mothers, Children, Family Groups (singles)
VI 40 FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS Mothers, Children, Family Groups (pages)
VI 41 FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS Mothers, Children, Family Groups (singles)
VI 41 FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS Mothers, Children, Family Groups (pages)
VI 42 FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS Mothers, Children, Family Groups (singles)
VI 42 FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS Mothers, Children, Family Groups (pages)
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