de LONG – ZANDE PAPERS: Series III – Folder 9. Letters, January-Late Spring 1920.

Folder 9.  Letters, January-Late Spring 1920. 46 items.

Saturday 1.15.  Just a most loving greeting to my dearest, darlingest Helen child:  I want to know too, how my little Captain is.”

“Wouldn’t you love to see our boy’s face when he sees his mother?” [scrap on Grand Hotel paper]

“’Geography’ in Feb. Atlantic, excellent.” [scrap on Grand Hotel paper]

“’Many thanks’ for the paper, pencil and sissors [sic]”  [scrap on Grand Hotel paper]

“Wednesday, mid afternoon.  My precious Sweetheart: I am hoping that you are resting at this particular time…”  [on folded Grand Hotel paper]

“Dearest and darlingest daughter Helen; I am hoping you are quite well this morning of February fifth 1920.”

Receipt.  “2/6 Mrs Delong To be called for by Dr Smith”

Wednesday a.m.  “You, you darlinest [sic] Captain don’t you member [sic] how we used to call your our brave little Captain?”

[February 7, 1919]  Saturday 3.30. “Sweetheart; It seems as if I’d have to fly over to you and just say things instead of writing…”

[February 10, 1920]  “I am wondering when this will go out, perhaps not to-day.”

[February 12, 1920] Thursday p.m.  “Please    darling mine; I never did receive Evelyn’s letter…”

February 13 [1920]  Friday.  “My very darling; Since I must go out on the verandah in a few minutes, I am again compelled to write hurriedly.”

Monday night.  “Sweetheart, Dearest love; I am ever sending you, and hoping always that you are well…”

[February 24, 1920] Tuesday night.  “And such a night! I hope you are comfortable, you darling love…”

February 26 [1920]  Thursday.  “My darling Sweetheart—I think it must be about three o’clock.”

Saturday night.  “My very precious Sweetheart; I am so thrilled with the joy of hearing from you…”

“Vespers (time) Sunday evening Honey sweet; I do hope that you felt the gladness in my heart…” [Attached to this letter is a small red envelope “Love From Bess” containing a note to ‘Aunt Bell’ from Bess, dated February 22, 1920]

March 2 [1920]  Tuesday.  “My own Sweetheart; Darlint, how ‘do you do’, this windy March morning!”

“Isn’t this a beauteous picture!  And isn’t this a delightful letter which I am sending you…” [could be a fragment]

March 25, 1920.  “My most beloved daughter Helen; Dearest little Captain in all the world…”

March 28, 1920.  Sunday.  One o’clock.  “My sweetheart Helen; Greetings to you on this very beautiful day…”

March 30, 1920.  108 Montford Avenue.  “Helen, beloved child; Though the clocks and my watch all proclaim the hour of eleven, and I ‘spect that its high time for Arabella to close her eyes…”

[April 3, 1920]  Saturday evening.  “My beloved, I am not going to try to write you an Easter letter, my heart is too full…”

Friday night.  “My precious Lambkin; I must tell you about the beautiful drive we had this afternoon.”

Monday evening.  “Sweetheart; How I do love you my most precious child, and how sorry I am to know of your indispositions…”

Saturday, five o’clock.  “My love, my love I am so anxious and O, so grieved, and sorry…”

Monday morning.  “My precious darling, I am so much relieved to have heard from you this morning…”

“My most precious child Helen; My heart is sad because you are so miserably ill…”

April 18 [1920] “Helen, my sweetheart child, It is four thirty o’clock, this Sunday evening.”

Friday. One o’clock.  “Darlint; Howdy, to you, I am hoping that you are quite recovered…”

Wednesday.  6 o’clock.  “Sweetheart; Here is just a loving howdy to you I am hoping that you got home all safe and sound…”

Friday morning.  10.20.  “My own precious child; If all is well, I shall see you to-morrow…”

“Mayday morning— At 353 Hillside Street, My most precious love, darling daughter Helen; Since you and Dr. Smith have issued a decree that I must not, shall not go to you. I must resort to pen…”

Friday afternoon, Arab is sitting on the porch Miss Cushman and Miss Copeland My own dearest love Helen; I have just read your morning’s letter…”

May 3, 1920. “My love, dearest love, Helen; It seems a long, long time since I saw your sweet strong face…”

May 4, 1920. Tuesday morning.  “My precious Love; I think that you realize just how my heart is longing for you…

“Saturday afternoon and the fifteenth of bonnie May in the year nineteen hundred & twenty.  And Arabella? well she is missing the lovely afternoons spent with her treasure, lovely Helen…”

May 16, 1920.  Sunday afternoon.  “Darling, my own most precious Helen; Isn’t this like a Day in June?”

May 18, 1920.  “Love, dearest love Helen; What a contrast in the weather to-day & Sunday…”

May 19, 1920.  12.15. Wednesday.  “Howdy! my precious Sweetheart; What a lovely noon-tide it is…”

Thursday noon.  “I’ve been to Mrs. Reynolds’ darlint, tried my frock on, and instead of stopping to do any errands in town, came right home.”

May 23, 1920.  Sunday.  “Love, my most precious love, Helen Child; I’ve been wondering, ever since yesterday afternoon, why I do, and say things so contrary…”

May 26, 1920.  Wednesday.  “Howdy! dearest love; Your little note of Monday cheered me and I am hoping that each day brings you added strength.  [A small clipping from newspaper is attached: ‘”After the neighbor’s mooing cow…”]

Thursday a.m.  “Darlint, I thought of you very, very often last evening…”

Friday afternoon. 4.40.  “My very preciousest love Helen; Now what do you suppose; I have finished my jacket!!!!”

“Let me help you pack, for you know I can do it very well…” [opening of letter appears to be missing]