Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: Biography – Visitors, Friends
Park W. Fisher Correspondence II
PARK W. FISHER Correspondence II, 1918
WWI Mountain Lecture Tour
TAGS: Park W. Fisher, WWII, World War II, WWII lecture series, fundraising, war efforts, Ethel de Long Zande; Unis Pratt, Hindman Settlement School, John C. Campbell, John C. Campbell Folk School, Evelyn K. Wells, Kentucky State Council of Defense, War Savings Drive, National War Work Council of the YMCAs of the U.S., influenza epidemic, stereopticon lectures, American Red Cross
(Continued from PARK W. FISHER Correspondence I)
[040] June 19, 1918. To Duffield from EZ (Zande), providing information about Fisher: “Mr. Park Fisher from Demarest, Georgia. He is a cripple, who was the manual training teacher at Hindman when I went there as a principal eight years ago. He then started religious work very much needed, in Knott County…a good speaker, a sincere patriot ….very well adapted for a campaign of patriotic education in the mountains because his vocabulary and manner and so on are simple….” Describes her fundraising for five months; being misled by the Kentucky Council of Defense that they would appropriate $100 a month. “I want him to make an intensive trip through the sections of the mountains that are off the railroad.”
[041] June 26, 1918. To Fisher in Leburn, Knott Co., KY, from EZ (Zande), who encloses Duffield’s letter.
[042] June 27, 1918. To Zande from Hines, whose Council voted to appropriate $250 to Fisher’s work ($50 a month for 5 months); Duffield will attend one of Fisher’s meetings and report his opinion to the Council. If Duffield approves the slides and lecture, the $250 appropriation will take effect.
[043] June 29, 1918. To Fisher from [unsigned, apparently Zande] who encloses Hines’s June 27th letter. Duffield has been asked to a meeting at Big Laurel or Dillon. “When the appropriate is finally made, I know my friends in Chicago will be able to do something more.”
[044] June 29, 1918. To Zande from Duffield, who has Hines’s letter concerning the $250.
[045] June 29, 1918. To Duffield from EZ (Zande), acknowledging that $250 appropriation is subject to his approval; asks him to attend a meeting at Big Laurel, “where you would see him under exactly the conditions I am interested in…” or Dillon, which “is on the railroad and more in touch with things.”
[046] June 29, 1918. To Zande from Fisher in Leburn, KY, who had been helping Mr. Johnson, County Chairman, with the War Savings Drive. Had a meeting, charging 5 and 10 cents admission and using Dr. Hillis’s “German Atrocities” slides and lecture. Mr. McMurray, County Agriculture Agent, will write a letter supporting Fisher’s work to the State Council.
[047] July 2, 1918. To Zande from Duffield, who, along with Hines, are willing to take Zande’s own estimate of Fisher after she has heard him, rather than having Duffield attend a meeting.
[049] July 4, 1918. To Underwood from [unsigned, apparently Zande], who reports Kentucky Council of Defense’s appropriation and asks for his suggestions of Chicago people who may be interested in the project. Tells of 3 speakers at PMSS on July 4th that attracted a large and appreciative audience.
[048] July 5, 1918. To Duffield From EZ (Zande), who agrees to give a report of Fisher’s talks.
[050] July 9, 1918. To Zande from Underwood, asking for clarification of the figures for Fisher’s salary so that he can help raise the rest of the money.
[051] July 13, 1918. To Underwood from Zande, who explains Fisher’s salary needs. He needs $100 a month for his family and his work. The Council of Defence will pay $50 a month for five months. She must shorten their plans to four months and would like to raise $150 more.
[052] July 17, 1918. To Zande from Underwood, who offers to get the $150 that is needed. Suggests she also ask Mr. A.D. Sheridan in Evanston, Illinois, for help.
[053] July 22, 1918. To Fisher in Leburn, KY, from EZ (Zande), asking him to tell her his plans.
[054] July 22, 1918. To Zande from Fisher, who has been “busy rigging up my buckboard for the trip….” He comments on the good news about the war and wishes he “could be there with the boys but since I cannot, am anxious to do all I can here at home.”
[055] July 27, 1918. Handwritten letter to Zande from Fisher, acknowledging Zande’s Letter of July 22.
[056] July 27, 1918. To Fisher from EZ (Zande), who suggests he should have an advance agent to manage appointments; lists the stops that he should make on his trip.
[057] August 4, 1918. To Zande from Fisher, who just returned from “The Ball country” where he gave four lectures; waiting for the wheels to arrive for his buggy. With Adam Campbell’s help he will complete his arrangements. Mentions Miss Cornell from Cleveland and her interest in PMSS.
[058] August 10, 1918. To Zande from Pendleton Beckley, Executive Secretary, Kentucky Council of Defense, Louisville, KY who will be in eastern Kentucky for three weeks and suggests that he could join Fisher on his trips through the mountains and Beckley could organize the County Councils as they proceed.
[059] August 10, 1918. To Zande from Fisher. He is working on preparations and encloses a handbill that he is sending out ahead.
[060] August 15, 1918. To Fisher from EZ (Zande), who encloses Beckley’s letter which he should answer. She will let Beckley know that Duffield “considers it sufficient recommendations for me to hear your lecture.”
[061] August 19, 1918. To Zande from Fisher, who has been lecturing on Caney Creek and next in the Ball country; tells a story about a deserter, who would have been saved from being shot by the sheriff if he and his parents “better understood the situation.” Fisher agrees to Beckley joining him.
[062] August 28, 1918. To Fisher from EZ (Zande), telling him it is best that he write soon to Beckley; to let her know when he will be at PMSS; and to “make as many engagements as you can between Hindman and Pine Mountain.”
[063] September 5, 1918. Handwritten letter to Zande from Fisher, Lackey, KY, who has written to Beckley. There has been no response, so he’s started out for a week in the Beaver country. He will send Zande his plans and posters. He began his lecturing on July 15.
[064] September 10, 1918. To Fisher from EZ (Zande), telling him he should have told her about starting out on July 15, because she needs to hear his talk before the Council of Defense will send funds. Now he must get to PMSS soon.
[065] September 10, 1918. To Lt. W. A. Bradley, National Army, Commission on Training Camp Activities, Washington, DC, from EZ (Zande), who asks when he is coming to PMSS; describes Fisher’s project and asks if the YMCA has any slides about its work at the front to add to Fisher’s collection.
[066] September 21, 1918. To Zande from Underwood, sending his $50 check for Fisher’s campaign; he wishes to visit PMSS.
[067] September 10, 1918. To Hines from EZ (Zande). Various delays in fundraising has shortened Fisher’s campaign to only 3 1/2 months (until last of October); wishes Hines could follow Fisher’s “war wagon” and see his work. “He is full of patriotism, longs to be at the front, but… is badly crippled, and gives a talk that reaches his hearers’ minds. He knows so well what words they know, and what they won’t understand.” Zande encloses Fisher’s poster and picture of his wagon; Fisher will collect for the YMCA drive. Asks Hines to send a check for the full amount to ease Fisher’s financial stress. She will let Hines “know about the interesting openings for a continuation of his war work…”
[068] September 24, 1918. To Father D. M. Lord, NYC, from EZ (Zande), who is pleased he plans to visit PMSS; asks him to bring war objects for an exhibit at Fisher’s lectures.
[069] September 28, 1918. To Zande from Beckley, who had received a letter from Hines with a copy of Fisher’s program and a photo of “his outfit.” The Council would be very glad to have a report from Fisher about his work and its effect. The Executive Committee of the Council has declined Zande’s request for a full amount of the funds before they are earned.
[070] September 25, 1918. To Mr. Abner W. Jones, Harlan, KY, from EZ (Zande), who regrets to tell him that Richmond cannot supply a teacher for Little Laurel; no work yet from her candidate for the position. Zande asks if Fisher and her friends can speak at the county schools near the railroad; describes Fisher’s work; asks for locations of the schools and names of the teachers.
[071] October 4, 1918. To Beckley from “Mrs. Luigi Zande,” asking for FIsher’s check for July 15 through October 1.
[075] October 14,1918. A receipt from the National War Work Council of the YMCAs of the U.S., New York, NY, for $11.35 from PMSS.
[072] October 21, 1918. To Fisher, HIndman, KY, from EZ (Zande). Encloses the Council of Defense’s letter stating that the other $125 will be forthcoming pending a report from Fisher. She hopes he has returned home safely; many PMSS neighbors are sick with influenza but PMSS is under strict quarantine.
[073] October 21, 1918. To Beckley from EZ (Zande), acknowledging receipt of $125 for Fisher’s expenses. “…[He] has been obliged to give up his lectures now, on account of the epidemic of influenza.”
[074] November 14, 1918. To Fisher, Leburn, KY, from EZ (Zande), remarking on her copy of his report with pictures. Regrets his financial situation and will try to find money for him. Zande supposes Fisher has begun teaching now. Mentions enjoying a moving picture machine at PMSS.
[076], [077] N.D. “War Lectures Needed!” Two-page printed fundraising handout from Park W. Fisher, Pastor Mill Creek Congregational Church, Leburn, Knott Co., KY. [DUPLICATE OF [005], [005a] except that, on page 2, “April” is crossed out and replaced with a handwritten “May.”)
Images 040 – 077
See Also:
PARK W. FISHER Correspondence I – 1917 – 1918, images 001 – 039
PARK W. FISHER Visitor – Biography
CRAFT REVIVAL: Shaping Western North Carolina Past and Present – Park Fisher