Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 09: BIOGRAPHY – Staff
Grace Rood
Correspondence to Fern Hayes
July 30, 1962

Grace Rood standing in pathway behind Infirmary. Grace Rood Album II. [rood_118.jpg]
TAGS: Grace Rood 1962 letter to Fern Hayes, Helen Hayes, Steve Hayes, Oakham MA, La Guardia Airport, Berea Country Dancers, recipes, Boston Baked Beans
GRACE ROOD 1962 Correspondence to Fern Hayes
Frenchburg, Ky
July 30, 1962
My Dear Fern [Hayes]
I am using up some of my mother’s stationary. Since taking her up to Oakham [MA] the 1st of the month, I have been clearing out some of her letters in her desk, etc; I’ve sent her a lot of old letters to be looking over and answer, and have thrown out a lot and gathered a lot of odds and ends of stationary.
I thought of Helen [Hayes] when we went thru New York and hoped she was adjusting well and enjoying herself too. Ma and I took the train to N.Y. and then flew to Worcester. The airport is only about 12 miles from our home so it was not too bad. Except the airport was one noisy place. La Guardia is about as big as Harlan.
Our building had 3 lines coming in, One was from Porta [sic] Rica, and I think babbling seems worse when it is in a foreign language.
I am planning on going back to Oakham for a couple of weeks in Sept. to bring Mamma back here. I finish here as of Oct. 15th. I hope our accommodations will be ready for us in the building that they are fixing over. It always takes longer than they think. If they are not rea[dy] I may take off with Mamma for a couple of weeks down at Pine Mt. if I can get a place with no steps to climb and can do my own cooking. How would like us to visit you for 2 or 3 days?
I am not looking forward to completely stopping work, and am looking around for some odd part time jobs to do around here for at least till the end of the year.
I have been having a crazy time with bursitis in my left shoulder, I’m so glad that it is not in my right for I would not be able to work then.
I hope that Steve [Hayes] is making it O.K.
Wonder how the Berea group is doing in S. America [reference to the Berea Country Dancers]. I hear that Burton [Rogers] is not so well, and sunning in Florid[a].
And how is mother Hayes?
I imagine you are busy “putting things by” for the winter.
GRACE ROOD 1962 Correspondence to Fern Hayes: Recipe
*Accompanying the letter is a recipe for “BOSTON BAKED BEANS,” one of the favorites recipes at Pine Mountain.
Soak 3 cups of pea beans or navy bean overnight in cold water. Drain and put in bean pot. Mix together 2 tsps. salt– 3 tbsps. molasses — 2 tsps. brown sugar and 1/2 cup dry mustard. Add seasonings and enough boiling water to cover the beans. Mix together and pour over the beans in a pot that can go in the oven. Cut 1/2 lb of salt pork into pieces and bury in the beans and liquid. An onion or more may be added to the beans for extra flavor.
While pea beans and navy beans are commonly used, any of the following may be substituted: dried limas, red kidney, yellow-eyed beans, or other similar beans.
Bake in oven at 300 degrees for 6 – 8 hours. Serves 12.
See Also:
GRACE M. ROOD Staff Biography
GRACE M. ROOD Correspondence
GRACE M. ROOD Photograph Album Gallery One
GRACE M. ROOD Photography Album Gallery Two
FERN HALL HAYES Student Staff Biography