Pine Mountain Settlement School
Series 02: GOVERNANCE – Board of Trustees
Series 11: FARM
Elizabeth C. Hench, PMSS Trustee, 1914-1931(?)
Joy Stock Company Limited Letters
January and October 1929
TAGS: Elizabeth Hench, fundraising correspondence, Joy Stock Company Limited, Ayrshire cows, PMSS farm
ELIZABETH HENCH Joy Stock Company Limited Letters 1929
For a description of the arrival of the Ayrshire cow, Joyce, at Pine Mountain Settlement School, go to Hench’s 1927 letter at ELIZABETH HENCH Joy Stock Company Limited Letter 1927.
January 1929 [hench_0006.jpg]
Laurel, MS ; gifts ; Joy Stock Co., ; Joyce ; Rejoice ; cows ; Ltd ; Kentucky mountaineer’s letter ; fundraising ; Elizabeth C. Hench ;
October 1929 [hench_0007.jpg]
Laurel, MS ; Milk Products Show ; Boston, MA ; BOSTON HERALD editorial ; Wisconsin-bred stock ; Plymouth, MA ; Mayflower ; Charity ; heifers ; bulls ; Joy ; Joyce ; Delight ; Joy Stock Co., Ltd ; Elizabeth C. Hench ; Punch ; Mr. Owen D. Young ;
TRANSCRIPTION: January 1929 [hench_0006.jpg]
Laurel, Mississippi
January, 1929.
Dear Milk-Givers:
54 thrills were what I had in 1928 from the gifts to the Joy Stock Company, Limited.
Grand total……$2474.00
Joyce had 1098 meals, three extra ones on February 29. She, being a cow, ruminated but did not thrill.
There are no marathons in our barn yard. So this is a fitting time to reproduce a letter used 6 years ago, a letter often asked-for. It is a bona fida production of a Kentucky mountaineer.
Dear sir
I got your letter asken for a list of my assets and liabilities now i told you wen i sent in that order that i was keeping a restarent and not a general store and i dont keep such things as assets and liabilities on hand and besides if i did it aint none of your dam bisiness how monie have i got no how they was a feller noseing around here yesterday wot said as how his name was r g dun & companie and he asked me how much money did i have and i kicked him clear into the middle of next sunday i tell you i wont have no meddlin in my business i am as good as any man and a dam site bettern som if you dont want to sell me them goods wy go to hell please answer by next mail.
Your fren
My books are open to your inspection. Joyce’s board is paid knee-deep in June. Her new calf is named Rejoice. As our cow is doing her best, I know we shall match her endeavor.
From one who is no coward,
[signed] Elizabeth C. Hench
TRANSCRIPTION: October 1929 [hench_0007.jpg]
October, 1929
Dear Cow Feeder:
Some of us Mid-Victorians did not venture an exclamation stronger than “My graceous [sic]!”, but the modern New York sub-deb says: “My Cow!” I am unable to trace the origin of that exclamation but certainly not to WHOOPEE, for cows have no fondness for noise.
During my wanderings this year, I saw in Laurel, Mississippi, a Milk Products Show. A Scrub Bull was tried in the Court House one evening and condemned to death because his progeny did not produce large quantities of milk. In direct contrast to them, was an exhibit in the First National Bank of a cow whose udder literally flowed with milk. She was only a paste-board cow, and the continuous flow was an electric fake. But she certainly fascinated me.
I spent my summer in Massachusetts and revived my culture by looking at antiques and family trees. I saw in the BOSTON HERALD an editorial on New England Cows. It seems that the chief animal industry there is cows, the breed of which has been improved by Wisconsin-bred stock. So, our family tree is correct because that is the state from which Joyce came.
Of course, I had to revive also my early American history as I stayed some weeks in Plymouth. I found that, even if the cargo of the MAYFLOWER contained no cows, yet in 1624, the ship CHARITY brought three heifers and a bull. I have no doubt that as soon as the descendants of these bovine immigrants reached Boston, the Bostonians named two streets, now the famous Joy Street and Milk Street.
Charity, alias the Joy Stock Company, Limited, came to Pine Mountain in 1921 with two heifers, Joy and Delight. Our third heifer, Joyce, arrived in 1927. Let us see to it that she has plenty of feed during the coming year!
From one who has never been cowed,
[signed] Elizabeth C. Hench
P.S. From PUNCH, August 21, 1929, “When Mr. Owen D. Young (of Young’s plan) was a boy, we are told, he rose at dawn to milk the cows. The British opinion in certain quarters is that he will have to get up very early to milk the British Lion.”
Permanent Address:
Miss E. C. Hench
Box 67
Laurel, Mississippi
GALLERY: ELIZABETH HENCH Joy Stock Company Limited Letters 1929
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ELIZABETH C. HENCH GUIDE Joy Stock Company Limited Letters 1927-1933